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Not Forgetting My Mission

1/30/25 | The Weekly | by Matt Doan

    One of my prayers for my life and my family is, “Lord, help the Orange County lifestyle that surrounds me not dim my eyes to reach my neighbor and the nations with the good news of Jesus.”  

    What I mean by this prayer is that it can be so easy for me to set my eyes and heart on bigger, better, and nicer things – from clothes to furniture to cars to food – and forget my mission as a follower of Jesus, which is to reach others with the good news of Jesus. 

     One of the best ways I have found to stay on mission is to consistently serve. When I serve others, my eyes get off of myself and material things and onto Jesus and people. We have some great outreach events coming up to help us take our eyes off of ourselves. I encourage you to jump in!

    “Ash Out” Training 
    Saturday, February 1 from 12pm - 2pm at Saddleback Church
    Saturday, February 8 at Calvary Church (time to be announced)
    This is a training to learn how to sift through ash and look for anything salvageable from burned homes for families with On Mission Network. Los Angeles County is requiring that anyone who would like to help must attend a training to be allowed into the restricted areas. Come attend this training to help families! Register for Saddleback training here. (Calvary Church location will open registration on Monday, February 3 at CalvaryLife.org/Local)

    Hospital Chaplain Training
    Saturday, February 8 from 9am - 1pm in N-2
    Interested in helping care for patients at OC Global Hospital across from Calvary? Come to this training and learn what it means to be a hospital chaplain and become equipped to go serve. This training is free and lunch will be provided. Email Kate Walsh at to RSVP.

    “Soup-er Bowl”
    Sunday, February 9 
    Place your vote for the winning team on Super Bowl Sunday, February 9, with your canned goods donation! We will be accepting any type of canned soup or protein for the OC Rescue Mission before and after service in the Worship Center Lobby. See list of suggested items here.

    Self-Defense Class
    Mondays in February from 7pm to 8pm in C-200
    This 4-week class would be a great event to invite a neighbor or co-worker to. It is a beginner/intermediate class and is taught by a retired FBI agent! No need to register, just show up for this free class on any Monday night in February to gain some new skills, have some fun, and build relationships along the way. Questions, contact Kate at .

    Matt Doan
    Reach Pastor