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Praying for these Pivotal Moments

1/16/25 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    There are many pivotal moments this week in our church and in our country.

    We have a large team of families heading to Mexico to build homes for people in need.
    We pray for them to have a massive impact in the lives of the families they serve. We also pray for both spiritual and physical protection for them as they work and travel.

    This Sunday is Sanctity of Life Day where we remember and value that all life is sacred and worthy of our protection, including the unborn.
    We pray that God would work miraculously to defend all life, especially the vulnerable among us.

    Monday is MLK Day where we remember the work and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr who fought for racial justice and reconciliation.
    We pray for that work and legacy to continue.

    Monday is also the Inauguration Day of President Donald Trump where our country has a transition in leadership.
    We pray for him to lead with wisdom, integrity, excellence, and godliness.

    We also know that so many people are still suffering from the results of the fires in Los Angeles.
    We pray for those who lost loved ones, those who were injured, those who lost their homes, and those living in fear and uncertainty during this time. See ways you can help at CalvaryLife.org/Local

    Prayer changes things. Prayer matters. Prayer aligns our hearts with God’s heart. Let’s fervently pray in dependence on God for all of these important moments in the life of our church, community, and country.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling