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Calvary's DIVE IN VBS is almost here!

6/27/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    “Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” - Matthew 19:13

    Jesus took time for kids when others thought it wasn’t worthwhile.

    Jesus loves children.

    Jesus claimed that young people have as much right as anyone to the kingdom of heaven.

    We have the incredible joy and opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus with people across the world and with people right here in our neighborhood. We have the even greater joy to take the time, effort and heart to share the gospel with the children of our community through our Vacation Bible School (VBS).

    VBS is an amazing, adventure-filled, memory-making week of the summer where kids come completely for FREE to have the most fun of their young lives while learning all about the love of Jesus for them

    Here’s how you can help keep VBS both a free and amazing event for the kids!!

    • Invite!
    • Volunteer
    • Donate
    • Pray

    Discover more about VBS at Calvary Church, including how to sign up and ways to give at

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,