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Engage in the fight against culture's temptation to do life alone by getting connected in a Group.
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Are you interested in starting a new group in this season? Take a next step and fill out an interest form.
YOU'RE MADE FOR COMMUNITY: As image bearers of a communal God — eternally Father, Spirit, Son — we will always find ourselves on a lifelong search for community and belonging.
WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER: We discover God’s best way to live and the full life that Jesus offers in a Spirit-filled community, as we live out our purpose in the Christian life with one another.
Browse new and ongoing groups through our GROUP FINDER
Engage in the fight against culture's temptation to do life alone by getting connected in a Group.
Are you interested in starting a new group in this season? Take a next step and fill out an interest form.
Calvary LifeGroups are all built to pursue life in Christ together by:
Contact our LifeGroups Pastor Robert Carter at or at 714-550-2332. You can also find out more about LifeGroups by visiting Connection Point in the Lobby on Sundays.