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We are made to worship, hard-wired by our Creator to be in awe of Him and express the reverence, respect and worth He is due. As followers of Jesus, we desire to worship in Spirit and in truth — remembering the truth of who God is, rejoicing because of all He has done, realigning our mind's attention and heart's affection to His will and ways, and responding to His leading in our lives. God is infinitely creative and we reflect who He is in our creativity as people. We honor the Lord in our expressions through the range of creative arts, pointing to the beauty, truth and goodness found in Him.

We encourage you to explore resources on worship including our Calvary Life Worship JOY EP21 Day Worship & Prayer Guide Devotional and BREATHE sermon series. And, we invite you to get connected with a Creative Ministry area in Worship, Communications or Connections where you can use your gifts for the glory of God and the good of His people.

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WORSHIP - Music 

Nothing touches the heart like music, so the sounds of worship through song are heard all around Calvary Church, in every culture and generation! We love to express our praise and devotion to God, and there’s room for every kind of voice and insAument (Psalm 96, Psalm 150) to contribute in the ministry.

"Let the message about Christ, in all its richness, fill your lives. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to God with thankful hearts. And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." Colossians 3:16-17

For more about music at Calvary, contact Lauren McGunigale at or (714) 550-2363.

Worship Team Values + Expectations

Worship - TECH ARTS

Our Tech Arts Crew provides sound, lighting, and video elements to enhance and support experiences that connect people to God and each other, help them grow in their faith, and reach Orange County and the world for Jesus. Our goal is to create spaces and moments that are effective, seamless, and free from distractions. We are a volunteer-driven ministry that serves all the other Calvary Church ministries, during weekly services and special events throughout the year through:

Audio - Lighting - Video - Photography - Lyric Projection - Set Design

Get Plugged In:
We are always looking for new volunteers to be a part of this dynamic and essential ministry. If you are experienced (or even just interested) with sound, lighting, cameras, lyrics projection, computers, carpentry or painting we could use you. Learn more today by contacting Ryan Roehl at 714.550.2329 or


Connections is part of our church's Creative Ministry, committed to making people who come to worship at Calvary feel welcomed and loved. Jesus transforms every part of us and our desire is to show this transformational love through the way we serve our church community. We are looking for people who have been changed by the gospel love to serve others, are patient and kind, and want to see people experience the power of the gospel during their time at Calvary.

If you are interested in getting involved and serving in any of the roles listed below, please stop by Connection Point in the Lobby on an upcoming Sunday morning to introduce yourself and learn more.


We are made to worship, hard-wired by our Creator to be in awe of Him and express the reverence, respect and worth He is due. To help us all grow in this area, we invite you to participate in a 3-week journey of worship through daily scripture meditation and prayer.

Take a moment every day for the next 21 days to slow your pace, focus your mind on God's Word and set your heart on worshiping the Lord. Just as your breathing follows a pattern of inhale, hold and exhale. Your worship can build a life honoring to the Lord as you follow a pattern of remember, realign and respond.





JOY is the inaugural album of Calvary Life Worship. This is an album of celebration, expectation, and surrender. We pray that as you listen to these songs, in partnership with reading Pastor Eric Wakeling's book, GOD JOY, you will be reminded of a God who loves and cares for you beyond all understanding. May the joy of the Lord always be your strength.

at Calvary's Bookstore or Online:

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Check out the original songs from Calvary Life Kids Worship for music from VBS past and present!

Listen on SpotifyYouTube Music