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Get your kids signed up for an amazing ocean adventure this summer where they’ll experience the ever-flowing, never-ending love of God!

See Details &
Register Here


You may be the answer to our prayers for having everyone we need to share with kids this summer about the good news found in life with Jesus.

Discover Requirements
& Sign Up Here

Get Your VBS T-Shirt

100% of the proceeds from the purchase of each DIVE IN T-Shirt goes directly toward VBS, helping to provide this amazing week 100% FREE for everyone! 


(while supplies last)

Show your support for this awesome week and get your DIVE IN shirt, which will be available for purchase on Sunday mornings beginning in June at the VBS Donation Station in the Worship Center Lobby. 


VBS (Vacation Bible School) at Calvary is a BIG event, but it's made up of lots of little details. And there may be some details that you're wondering about for you and your family. Please read through our list of Frequently Asked Questions to see if the answer to your question is there. If it is not, please send your question to and we will do our best to get back to you soon!


Daily Themes

Don't miss out on a single day of this amazing adventure as kids dive in to these faith-building lessons for life:

MONDAY: God is a friend who is welcoming
  • John 6:69 "We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”
  • Bible Story: Jesus invites children to come to Him - Matthew 19:13-15
TUESDAY: God is a friend who loves
  • John 13:34b"As I have loved you, so you must love one another."
  • Bible Story: The Good Samaritan - Luke 10:25-37
WEDNESDAY: God is a friend we can trust
  • 2 Timothy 2:13 "Even if we are not faithful, he remains faithful. He must be true to himself."
  • Bible Story: Peter starts to walk on the water but then sinks - Matthew 14:22-33
THURSDAY: God is a friend forever
  • John 11:25: "I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even if they die"
  • Bible Story: Jesus dies and comes back to life - John 18-20
FRIDAY: God is a friend for everyone
  • John 3:16 "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son. Anyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life"
  • Bible Story: Jesus washing everyone's feet. Jesus washed even his enemy's feet - John 13:1-5

Be part of reaching the next generation

Giving to Calvary's VBS outreach will help fuel life change as kids discover the good news of Jesus locally & globally! 

Support VBS

Your support makes it possible for us to offer this program for free to around 1000 kids that participate every year, providing them with stories, crafts, and materials that help them understand God's plan for their lives and the good news of Jesus!


VBS Penny Project

This year's VBS Penny Project will be raising funds for the Smolicas - our global partners in Kosovo with Greater Europe Mission - to bless kids with the good news of Jesus!


Want to help by donating items for snacks and crafts?

You can find tags for what's needed at the VBS Donation Station in the Lobby on Sundays in July, or click below for our Amazon wish list and shop online today. Thank you for helping us keep VBS FREE for everyone! 

Amazon Wish List Here


Plan now to join us for these exciting VBS Events!


JULY 29 - August 2
12:00 - 5:00 pm

Come enjoy a meal (or several) at Chick-fil-A with family and friends! A percentage of ticketed sales will be donated to Calvary Church’s VBS Reach Penny Project. - just mention you're with Calvary Church VBS.

Location: 17th at Tustin
1701 N Tustin Ave, Santa Ana
Dine-In, Drive-Thru & Catering

Donate Online



Everyone is invited to join the fun on Sunday, August 4 at a united ALL-FAMILY SERVICE AT 10:00AM with all ages and languages together to celebrate this amazing week of VBS. Join us in the Worship Center, watch on the Patio or LIVE online. Plan to stay after for the PARTY ON THE PATIO to meet the VBS characters, enjoy frozen treats, and play fun games! (No separate kids' programs, or regular 9am/11am ministries on this day.)