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K-8 Admissions

Our Admissions Process, for Kindergarten – 8th Grade, includes several steps intended to assist your family in making the decision for Christian education.

We want you to know us well and understand how we partner in education. At every step along the way, we’re available to answer questions, connect you with teachers and other staff members, or connect you with Calvary families to share their experiences at CCS. You can always start by speaking with our Admissions Director, Mrs. Nicole Boyce, who is happy to help with your individual process. When you are ready to apply, these are the components of your application.

1. Come Visit Us:

We encourage you to start your process by attending an Admissions Event or taking a Campus Tour. To learn about the next event our schedule your personal tour to explore our Kindergarten – 8th Grade, please contact our office at or (714) 973-2056. Our Preschool has a separate admissions process. To schedule a tour or receive more information about the Preschool, please call (714) 973-1768 or e-mail

Watch Campus Tour Video


2. Application for Admissions

Our application is online for your convenience. The application provides information about your family, your church participation, your personal statement of faith, information about your student and a checklist of application elements. There will be an application fee of $50.



3. Shadow Day & Placement Assessment:

Once your application is complete, we’ll call to schedule your shadow day (1st – 8th grades), placement assessment & family interview. This assessment will be age appropriate for your child and is intended to provide more information about their development and education. Most assessments include a basic reading, writing and math sample. 


4. Family Interview:

After the shadow day and assessment are complete, the parent(s) will meet with Mr. David Seidman, our Head of School, to discuss the path we will take on our journey together. This meeting typically takes about 30 minutes. Your family will be notified within 1 week regarding acceptance. All materials and appointments must be completed before a decision can be made.