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Dear Calvary Family,

I pray that you will be blessed and encouraged as you read this review of 2022. Writing these letters always fosters a moment of reflection and gratitude for what God has done in and through our church community. It’s almost hard to remember how January of 2022 had a bit of a Covid resurgence, but really 2022 has felt more like a return to whatever normal means these days.

In our world, 2022 will most likely be remembered for the war in Ukraine, protests in Iran, and skyrocketing inflation. Calvary Church seeks to be a light for the Kingdom of God in all these dramatic world events supporting Ukrainian refugees, getting Bibles into Iran and caring for those in financial need in our community. We believe that good deeds lead to good news and we ask God for more opportunities to share and live out the gospel.

Our primary themes for 2022 were ONENESS and DEPENDENCE. We sought to be more dependent on the Spirit of God and we know that it is only the power of God that will make us unified as one people of God. We lived this out by learning about depending on God in the wilderness as we studied the book of Numbers. We learned about the wisdom of God in the Proverbs and we learned how to incorporate some spiritual practices into the rhythm of our daily lives as followers of Jesus. We had times of listening prayer and blessing prayer within our services. In dependence on God, we know we must receive the love of God first and then live out of that love each day.

We know we need to continue this focus on dependence in 2023 while also wanting to grow in our discipleship. This is simply how we have been helped by others to follow Jesus and how we help other people in our lives to follow Jesus too. We have all received much and we have the wonderful privilege to give away what we have been given. We will talk much more about this in the months to come.

One of the things I love doing most, and seems to resonate with many of you, is the prayer of blessing I pray at the end of each Sunday service. This prayer underscores much of our heart for dependence on God. It is God who will bless you and keep you. His power is what guards and protects you. It is God’s face shining upon you that gives you grace and peace in your life now and for eternity. All blessing comes from him and we depend completely upon him for everything. That is true for our church as well.

May the Lord bless you in 2023!

Eric Wakeling

Financials CREATIVE ADULTS Family CCs Soul Care Reach



Who We Will Be On The Road Ahead

Calvary seeks to be a church family that is better together, being changed by the Gospel to love like Jesus across all cultures and generations.


What We Do Together Along The Way

Calvary Church is a community where we CONNECT with God and others to GROW in our faith so we REACH Orange County and the world for Jesus Christ.


·  authentic to who we are   ·  aspirational to who we want to be   ·  inspirational to who we want to develop

TRUTH - We think biblically about everything and humbly about ourselves

2 Timothy 3:14-17 • Ephesians 4:11-16 •Psalm 119:160 • John 4, 14:15-27, 17:17 • Hebrews 4:12 • 1 Peter 1:22, 3:15 • James 1:22-27

We are led by the Spirit in truth and taught by the Word, valuing Scripture’s timeless truth and its unchanging relevance to changing culture. We believe that biblical teaching is the catalyst for transformation in people’s lives. Scripture is inspired by God and is our accurate authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living. When life cuts us, we want to bleed God’s Word. In gentleness and respect, we defend biblical truth and the reason for our hope in Christ. We seek to have teachable and humble hearts, holding firmly to core truths and living faithfully with integrity. We want to wrestle genuinely with our doubts, seeking to deepen our understanding of who we are and whose we are. Our earnest desire is to be found by the Father as worshipers, lifting up Jesus in Spirit and truth. We are truth protectors and grace reflectors, who desire to dig deep wells of truth and let people freely drink from living water.

GRACE - The good news is never old news

Colossians 1:6 • Luke 4:17-21 • John 1:16-17 • Ephesians 2:8-9 • 2 Peter 3:18 • Romans 11:5-6 • 1 Corinthians 15:10 • 2 Corinthians 9:8, 12:9 • Titus 2:11-14 • 1 Peter 4:10 • Hebrews 4:16

Grace is what makes the good news so good. Grace is the invaluable gift of God’s undeserved favor. We are saved by God’s grace through faith in Jesus. And, we can live by God’s grace with a Spirit-enabled capacity to grow in obedience and abound in good works. Grace is not just the diving board of the Christian life, it is the entire pool. It is not just the starting line, it is the entire race. So, we strive forward toward the finish line knowing God’s grace is sufficient each step of the way. We draw near to God’s throne of grace with confidence, to receive mercy and help in time of need. Just as we have received grace from God, we seek to extend grace toward others - reaching out with love, generosity and compassion to share the good news with our neighbors and the nations.

PASSION - We dig holes in roofs

Mark 2:4 • Matthew 18:11-13 • Acts 5:42, 20:24  • Romans 10:15 • Colossians 3:17, 23

We dig holes in roofs, going to great lengths to help our friends meet Jesus. We are willing to courageously risk it all for the sake of the gospel, to leave the 99 in order to reach the one who is lost and needs to be found. People are worth the work and the cost. Lack of creativity and excellence is really just a lack of effort. So, we pursue God with whole-hearted passion and open-handed sacrifice of our own convenience and comfort for the sake of those who need to hear the good news! It is never just another Sunday. Each worship gathering, each event, and each conversation is an opportunity for the gospel to be heard, for a soul to be saved, for a life to be forever changed. We are called to be fishers of men and want to keep putting hooks in the water. And in all we do, whether in word or deed, we desire to do it with all our heart and all in Jesus’ name.

PEOPLE - People are the mission

Matthew 22:37-39 • John 13:35 • Galatians 6:2, 9-10 • James 1:27 • 1 John 3:17-18

People are the point! We don’t invest in programs or projects as an end, they are always means in order for us to minister to people. Everyone matters to God and ought to matter to us. A mark of maturity is to consider the needs of others above our own as servant-hearted followers of Jesus. So, we look for ways to love our neighbor well -- caring for the needs we find in our community and showing mercy to the least of these. We believe warmth is the new cool, seeking ways to practice generous hospitality; turning strangers into friends and friends into family as we care for each other with Christ’s love and grace. We always have room at the table for more, so we reach out and invite others to take part in life at Calvary. And, we all must be apprenticed by another person that’s a little farther along in the journey than we are and we must seek that out personally and passionately.

TEAM - We are more than an audience

Ephesians 4:11-16 • 1 Peter 4:11 • 1 Timothy 4:8 • 2 Timothy 2:2 • Psalm 133

We do not see the church as a consumer driven, consumer oriented enterprise. We are a farmer’s market, partnering together to form a community of transforming grace. Everyone contributes and everyone receives. We don’t go it alone or assume someone else will take care of it. No church can ever hire enough people to meet all the needs. But, we have the best resources in the world - our members. We believe that enabling people to discover and develop their gifts is God’s Plan A for changing the world! So, we develop every member as ever-maturing leaders to carry out God’s unique purpose for His church. We judge our success by sending capacity, not seating capacity. We value equipping the saints, not just gathering them. Our goal is to turn the audience into an army. We want to get people from being in the crowd to be in the cause. So we recruit, train, and build up teams to serve together and do the work of ministry. We believe in collaborative leadership that depends on God’s power, not our own.

JOY - We Choose joy!

Nehemiah 8:10 • Psalm 33, 47, 100 • Luke 15 • Romans 12:12; 15:13 • James 1:2-3 • 1 Peter 1:8-9 • Philippians 1:4-6 • Philemon 1:7 • 1 Thessalonians 3:9

Being miserable is not a fruit of the Spirit. We value having serious joy-filled fun together as a family-- celebrating God’s presence in our gatherings, rejoicing over our salvation, and even finding joy through our trials. Our steadfast joy is found in knowing Jesus, and counting Him as our greatest treasure. We make Christ’s joy complete through new and transformed lives marked by unity, love, humility, generosity and compassion. The full life Jesus offers is meant to be enjoyed, not just endured. The next generation needs to see Christians who are vibrant, inspirational, confident and joyful. Let’s strip away our cynicism and have some fun. The joy of the Lord is our strength!

DEPENDENCE - We pray like it depends on God and work like it depends on us

Zechariah 4:6 • John 14:26 • Romans 8 • Ephesians 3:20 • Matthew 6:9-13 • James 5:16

We depend on the work of the Spirit, as we bear His fruit in our lives. It is not in our hustle and striving to do good that we become more like Jesus, for that is the way of the Pharisees. Rather, our yieldedness to the Holy Spirit begins to shape our character as evidence of our conforming to the image of Jesus Christ. It continues as the Spirit teaches us to discern how the Father speaks so we can recognize His promptings and join Him where He leads us, whether into more deeply connected intimacy or Spirit-enabled action. We actively listen for the Lord’s leading. We want to live and serve with God-sized faith with whom all things are possible. Being right doesn’t make us righteous. We don’t just want to believe the right thing, we earnestly desire to do the right thing and push past fear to take courageous action and follow where the Spirit is leading. We are Spirit-empowered, faith-filled, future-focused risk takers. We want to be more than “minimum” people, thinking small and asking what’s required of us to get by. So, we pray continually for God to do the things only God can do through our commitment to live out His calling in our families, our church, our neighborhoods and our world.

ONENESS - We are a diverse family

Galatians 3:28 • Ephesians 2:22 • Colossians 3:15 • Acts 4:32 • John 17:23 • Revelation 7:9

We celebrate the diversity of God-given gifts, talents, culture, ethnicity and calling of each person as we are becoming a divinely unified church family. All people are created in the image of God. All people matter to Him. The church should reflect the diversity of its community and proclaim the diversity of the kingdom. Through Christ, we are many members of one body, and each part is needed for the good of the whole. God is building us into a spiritual house with Jesus as the chief cornerstone. We believe a unified church can be a source of healing for the divisions in our world. Racism, discrimination, injustice and division break God’s heart. The Bible declares diversity is a picture of eternity with every tribe and tongue worshiping Christ in the end. We are doing something here on earth today that is in anticipation of what is to come. So, we live united as one with a shared citizenship, participating in God’s kingdom work and longing together for our King’s return.

GENERATIONS - Together is Better

Psalm 78:6-7 • Proverbs 22:6 • Deuteronomy 6:6-7 • Joel 2:28 • Ephesians 6:1-4 • 1 Timothy 4:12 2 • Timothy 2:1-2 • 2 Timothy 3:14-15

We want every generation to experience God’s love and grace in Christ. One of the greatest responsibilities we have as a church family is to pass on the torch of a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ from one generation to the next. Our Family Ministries seek to inspire, equip, and support parents and guardians as they spiritually lead their children. We are committed to keeping parents primary, creating safe and sacred space for God to move. We believe children and teenagers should be given high priority of our resources as a church and are worth investing in. We’re committed to making Calvary a center for reaching, encouraging, and developing the youth of our area. We also believe that we are better together. The young need the wisdom, experience, and love of the old. The old need the energy, perspective, and curiosity of the young. There is no retirement in the kingdom of God - we need all ages expressing their gifts in our body and in our community. So, we invest in and value each generation, because no one is too young or too old to receive the good news of Jesus and pursue an ongoing journey of following His ways.

GENEROSITY - Live sufficiently, give extravagantly

1 Chronicles 29:9 • Proverbs 11:25 • Leviticus 27:30 • Malachi 3:10 • Luke 12:34 • Acts 2:42-47 • Romans 12:8 2 • Corinthians 9:6-15 • 1 Timothy 6:17-19 • Titus 3:5-7

We give cheerfully as a whole-hearted response of worship, seeking ways to invest our time, talent and treasure in kingdom-growing opportunities through God’s provision. It is an act of gratitude, trust, and dependence upon Him. It is not a casual or “when we happen to remember” thing. Historically, giving begins with a tithe, or 10%, as the first fruits of all we bring in, building our trust as we learn to count on God to meet every need we will ever have. We want to be part of something bigger by giving above and beyond to the opportunities the Lord invites us into. Giving also strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. This goes further than giving in church, we generously share with all those God brings into our lives. We are blessed and in return we seek to be a blessing to our neighbors and to the nations.

HEALTH - Rest up so you don’t get messed up

Matthew 11:28-30 • Psalm 62:1 • Jeremiah 6:16 • Hebrews 4:9-10 • Deuteronomy 5:12-14 • John 15:5

The closer you get to the core of a church, the healthier it should be. So, we strive after a God-enabled health in our own walk with Him and our relationships with others. We don’t want to grow our church, if it means we aren’t first growing in our faith toward maturity as followers of Jesus. We strive to live with integrity, authenticity and intentionality by asking God to help us know our own hearts and experience true transformation of our brokenness toward healing and wholeness. We are committed to healthy rhythms for life through the pursuit of spiritual disciplines and cooperation with the work of the Spirit. These include Sabbath rest, daily time in the Bible and in prayer, experience with God in worship, and living with accountable and supportive relationships in community with other believers. Rest is doing something. So above all, we find healthy balance by ceasing from doing the heavy lifting on our own and go to Jesus, where He gives rest for our souls.

FLEXIBILITY - Open to change for the better

2 Peter 3:18 • Ephesians 4:13-16 • Matthew 15:1-9 • John 15:5 • Proverbs 1:5 • Isaiah 43:19, 64:8

Blessed are the flexible, for they will not be broken. We embrace change that leads toward our righteousness and God’s glory. We hold firmly to essential biblical truth while holding loosely to non-essential practices. Traditions are great and worth keeping, if they are still producing fruit. Like clay in the hand of the Master, we want to remain open to God’s molding of the patterns we follow and the preferences we desire as He shapes our hearts and minds toward Christlikeness. Staying stuck in our ways can lead to being stuck in our faith. Any good growth requires change, both in our personal lives and in our church. If a better idea or better way of doing something comes along that is in line with the Scriptures and will lead to greater impact for God’s Kingdom, we will be open to change for the better.


Your investment of time, talent and treasure is making a difference in people's lives locally and globally. Thank You!




July 2021 - June 2022

Thank you for generously supporting the resources and staff that make these ministries possible. We ended the fiscal year with the General Fund spending down our reserves by $25,197. Our Reach fund received $28,902 more than budgeted, which will be used for partnership projects.

July 2022 - December 2022

For the first half of the current fiscal year (July - December 2022), we are behind our budget goals for both the General and Reach Funds. We appreciate your continued support and prayers for Calvary Church, for wisdom as we strive to strategically use the gifts you give and for provision as we pursue ministry into 2023 together.



Heritage Building

All operational expenses and loan payments for our Heritage Medical Building are covered by rental income.

Ministry Partnerships

Two-thirds of the Heritage building space is now being used for ministry partnerships impacting our community-- OC Rescue Mission, Safe Families, Hurtt Family Health Clinic, Emmaus Road Counseling and more.



If you would like additional information about how your giving to Calvary is used for ministry purposes (including a copy of our audited financial statements), please contact our Executive Pastor, Michael Welles, at  714.550.2313 or


Worship | Communication | Connections










Discussions about faith and life at Calvary Church

Season 5 Season 6


Ways to develop a closer walk with God

View Videos & Resources


Inaugural album project of Calvary Life Worship

Listen OnlineFollow Social


Original music from VBS past and present

Listen on Spotify YouTube Music



As part of  Calvary's Creative Ministries, the Connections Team is committed to creating a loving and welcoming environment while facilitating next steps for people to get involved as part of the Calvary family.  Jesus transforms every part of us and our desire is to show this transformational love through the way we serve our church community. 

Easter Baptisms - April 17, 2022 

Beach Baptisms - September 11, 2022 


We're pursuing lifelong growth as disciples of Jesus, which is experienced best in community with one another.


Hispanic Ministry

100+ new personal connections in 2022 through those who visit on Sundays, the Parenting Class we offered and the Men's Conference. Excited to see growth in our members with increased participation in monthly evangelism outings to local parks as well as our pre-service Sunday growth class!

Finding the Good News of Jesus

Maria De La Vega's Story


One of the greatest responsibilities we have as a church family is to pass on the torch of a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ to the next generation. Thank you for contributing to make these life-shaping ministries happen!



Highlights from ZION VBS 2022

Calvary's VBS (Vacation Bible School) is our annual week-long program filled with amazing experiences that help kids have fun as they learn from God's Word about the good news of Jesus! Each year, the Penny Project raises funds and awareness for a global cause. In 2022, over $6,100 was brought in to aid Ukrainian refugees, faith-based kids clubs, and safe homes for vulnerable kids through the Reutkis in Moldova. 

Watch Videos   View Photos


CCS provides the opportunity for students to participate in challenging academics and diverse enrichments rooted in Christian values. The schools' budgets, which are separate from Calvary Church, are funded by student tuition and donations provided by generous supporters. We are blessed to see the impact CCS is making in children’s lives!

Help support CCS



2 1/2 Years Old - Transitional Kindergarten

100% full enrollment
1 new classroom and hired a new teacher!
Our Christmas program was back to in person for 2022
We are so thankful for all the families who have chosen to make Calvary Christian Preschool part of their child's life!

Visit Preschool Website


Kindergarten - 8th Grade

275 students in Grades K-8
new families representing 75 new students at CCS
$125K given annually in scholarships to 17% of CCS families
90% of graduates feel confident in providing evidence for what they believe about God and why

Visit School Website

Soul Care is a branch of ministries organized in a new way in the fall 2022 that seeks to aid progress in health, growth, and sanctification. Calvary offers Soul Care through Life Counseling, Spiritual Direction, and Prayer Counseling. In addition, we have pastoral and financial assistance available to help with needs of our church family and local community - learn more.

Soul Care Website



A new ministry launched in 2022 to help engage with people in a spiritual conversation that highlights God’s presence and encourages growth in relationship with Him



An infusion of therapy, inner healing, deliverance, spiritual direction, listening prayer, and neuroscience inviting a participant into a conversation with God



Helping people who are facing challenging seasons in life with biblically-based, Christ-centered resources 





ENF is a separate fund helping those in our church family primarily with food, shelter and clothing related needs.


distributed in financial emergency assistance


LifeGroups generously partnering with ENF to provide Christmas gifts for needy families

Donate to Emergency Needs Fund



Since 1932, Calvary Church has sent out members to serve cross-culturally around the globe. In 2022, we had the joy to prayerfully and financially support 70 active and 20 retired Missionaries in 35 countries. The Calvary family generously and sacrificially gave $1.09 million towards work around the world in 2022.


2022 saw our first overseas short-term Global Outreach teams (GO Trips) sent out since 2019 and the Covid pandemic!

Heroes Homegoing

2022, saw 3 kingdom impacting, long time Calvary Missionaries and heroes of the faith enter into eternity.

(pictured left to right)
Sheila Tuggy
 served for decades in Peru with Wycliffe Bible Translators.
Dr. Vic Olsen served the Lord through medical missions work in Bangeldesh.
Gale Van Diest served for 50+ years in Alaska with Interact.



A highlight of  2022 was Calvary's growing partnership with our neighbor across Tustin Avenue - OC Global Medical Center.  One morning, Volunteer Chaplain and Calvary Elder, Steve Esser. was called into the ICU to pray for a patient who was on life support. Steve, talked, comforted and prayed with the patient, ultimately leading the man through a salvation prayer. That afternoon, the patient passed away, the hope of heaven, now a reality for him. All glory to God!

Pop-Up Pantry

Our Pop-up Pantry which distributes groceries to families in our community, returned in the Fall of 2022, thanks to a new partnership with Mary’s Kitchen in Orange. Over 100 volunteers served 250+ neighborhood families with a box of groceries, with the plan to continue the pantry once a month in 2023.


The Alpha course has run annually at Calvary since 2012 and over this time, we have seen hundreds of friends, family and neighbors take the Alpha Course and many place their faith in Jesus. The 2022 Alpha was our first ever bi-lingual course, with over 50 English and Spanish-speaking participants!


2022 was our first full year of offering free English as Second Language (E.S.L.) classes to our community. Classes were offered on Wednesday and Friday nights in 4 different levels with teams of Calvary volunteers teaching and leading each class.

Angel Tree

Angel Tree, led by Marlene Eckert and a team of volunteers, distributed Christmas gifts to over bchildren who have a Mom or Dad in Prison and hosted a Christmas party for the kids and their caregivers in mid-December.

Local Reach Partnerships

Over the course of 2022, we had the joy to partner financially and collaboratively with local non-profits including:

Younglife Tustin

YoungLife reaches out to middle school and high school students at Tustin area schools. Calvary member and Tustin YoungLife Area director, Alyssa Burgess, has invested in thousands of local students over the past 8 years! Well done Alyssa!


Calvary supported the ministry of JJ and Carly Raymond with CRU, making a difference for students on the campus of Chapman University by helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others.


Led by Calvary Member, Heather Riley (Executive Director), SoulRapha serves seniors in care facilities (including two facilities within a 1-mile radius of Calvary) by binding the broken-hearted, sharing the good news and connecting with seniors.


Calvary member, Jeff McKee. leads the central Orange County chapter of Fellowship of Christian Athletes, serving and ministering to athletes on high school campuses throughout Santa Ana, Tustin and Orange.

Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.” - Isaiah 6:8


2021 Year in Review