The Filament Bible Experience is a unique, engaging encounter with God’s Word. It pairs a print Bible with the Filament Bible app, giving you access to a depth of resources you simply cannot fit in a bound Bible. This is available through an historic, patented innovation no other app or Bible software can offer: by simply scanning the page number, you will access study notes, profiles, devotionals, videos, interactive maps, music, and more that relate to the page you are reading.

Come visit Calvary's CORNER BOOKS & COFFEE to explore Filament resources, including a unique NLT Bible Journal of the Gospel of Luke as we explore the life of Jesus together on Sunday mornings. For every Bible purchased at The Corner a Bible is given to residents at the O.C. Rescue Mission’s Village of Hope. And, you can give above and beyond your purchase to further the translation work of the Bible for language groups still waiting to receive God’s Word in their native language.
Filament Bible Website Corner Books & Coffee