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Soul Care is the ongoing work of nourishing and nurturing one’s soul, aiding our progress in health, growth, and sanctification. The Soul Care ministry at Calvary Church exists to help you process the array of life’s experiences, and understand better the Lord’s movements within them. We offer Soul Care through Life Counseling, Spiritual Direction, and Prayer Counseling.

Find resources for Other Needs or concerns

"I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing."  - Jesus in John 15:5 

Resources for needs or concerns

“I would like someone to pray with me or for me.”
“I would like to meet regularly with someone to learn how to follow Jesus”
“I’m shut-in at home, in the hospital or living in a care facility & would like someone to visit me.”
  • Call 714-550-2455 to let us know of your need
“I’m grieving and need help planning my loved one’s memorial service.”
“I'm looking for help in overcoming addiction through celebrate recovery”
  • Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered twelve-step program where people who are hurting can experience hope and healing in a Christian community.
  • Discover more at
“ I am part of the Calvary family and in need of temporary financial help.”
  • Calvary's Emergency Needs Fund is a resource made possible due to the sacrificial, above-and-beyond giving by our Calvary family.
  • Begin the application process by emailing   or calling (714)550-2310