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2023 Thanksgiving Offering - "Be the One"

11/9/23 | The Weekly | by Matt Doan

    One of the most intriguing stories in the Gospels comes from Luke, where Jesus heals ten men with leprosy. Of the ten men, only one returned to Jesus to thank Him,

    One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God!”  He fell to the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done. This man was a Samaritan.” - Luke 17:15-16

    Although this is a first-century story, it feels so relevant for today. So many times we receive good things from God, but then quickly move on to the next thing and forget to respond in thanks to our Lord. This is why the season of Thanksgiving is such a gift for us. It reminds us to stop, to pause, and to give thanks for all the blessings God has showered on us.

    One way we can respond in thanksgiving to all that God has done for us is through Calvary's annual Thanksgiving Offering. This is a special one-time financial offering we have each November, as an above-and-beyond expression of gratitude separate from our regular giving to the church general ministry and reach missions funds.

    For 2023, our Thanksgiving Offering will go toward three very meaningful projects helping to share the love of God with people who have been displaced from their homes due to the atrocities of war and incredibly challenging circumstances. And, this is an opportunity to bless them in Jesus' name by helping to meet their physical and spiritual needs. 


    LOCAL - Afghan Refugees in Santa Ana

    Did you know we currently have 63 Afghan refugee families living within a mile of Calvary Church? The ministry of His Refuge aims to serve and care for these refugees and is led by our Calvary ministry partners, Tom and Gayle Shook.

    GLOBAL - Cyprus and Israel

    A little farther from Orange County (7,310 miles to be exact), our field workers, “S and C” are serving refugees from the Middle East and Central Africa with a weekly food bank on the island of Cyprus. Each week, displaced families receive milk, eggs, vegetables, and much-needed encouragement through this simple but powerful outreach.

    If you hopped on a plane from the food bank in Cyprus, it would only take you one hour to travel south across the Mediterranean Sea to get to Jerusalem, where our global partner Moran Rosenblit leads Hope for Israel. Moran and his team are serving over 100 families every week who have been displaced by the Israeli-Hamas war.

    BE THE ONE - Responding in Thankfulness

    Your generosity towards this year's Thanksgiving Offering will go directly to supporting each of these three projects. I encourage each of us to “be the one” and respond in thankfulness during this season! You can give at Calvary by noting "Thanksgiving" on your check memo line or offering envelope. You can also donate online today at CalvaryLife.org/Thanks.

    Matt Doan
    Reach Pastor