We are made to worship, hard-wired by our Creator to be in awe of Him and express the reverence, respect and worth He is due. As followers of Jesus, we desire to worship in Spirit and in truth — remembering the truth of who God is, rejoicing because of all He has done, realigning our mind's attention and heart's affection to His will and ways, and responding to His leading in our lives. God is infinitely creative and we reflect who He is in our creativity as people. We honor the Lord in our expressions through the range of creative arts, pointing to the beauty, truth and goodness found in Him.
We encourage you to explore resources on worship including our Calvary Life Worship JOY EP, 21 Day Worship & Prayer Guide Devotional and BREATHE sermon series. And, we invite you to get connected with a Creative Ministry area in Worship, Communications or Connections where you can use your gifts for the glory of God and the good of His people.