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“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you.” Matthew 28:19-20

At Calvary, we follow this calling of Jesus to go and make disciples in our neighborhoods and the nations. 

A disciple is one who loves and follows Jesus. Discipleship is learning to love like Jesus by giving away what we’ve received. 

This lifelong learning can happen in one-on-one mentoring, small group community, and Sunday services. What steps will you take to grow together in God's Word by God's Spirit - fueled by the love we receive from God and give to one another?

The Good News Discipleship StoriesLife With Jesus Course

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35


Following the Way of Jesus

Discover the life-giving Good News of Jesus and the great joy found in following him.

Explore the Good News




Watch stories of people in our church family who are learning to love like Jesus by giving away what they've received.

"If you enjoy walking with the Shepherd, of course you're going to be involved in finding some lost sheep." - Lloyd Peckham
Watch Lloyd's story as he shares about his life's work in Bible translation and his investment in the next generation.

Watch the story of Jackson Reese and the impact of discipleship from one generation to the next.

Watch Chloe's story of finding life-giving connection and friendship through Calvary's Nurture Ministry, during a challenging time as a new mom.  

Watch Mark Joy's story of finding a place to belong and thrive in Calvary's Young Adults Ministry and sharing the hope he's found with others.

Watch Don Nellis' story of the fruit found in a lifelong journey of giving the truth of God's Word and the love of Jesus away in Mexico and Los Angeles.  

Watch the story of Paula Garcia, Calvary's Early Childhood Pastor, receiving blessing and encouragement from the faithful volunteers at God's House Care

Watch the story of Jason and Monica finding life and peace in Jesus through a difficult time and then sharing what they received with their entire family  



Share Your Discipleship Story

Our stories of God at work in small and big ways can be such an encouragement and inspiration to others.  Think about who introduced you to Jesus or who invested in you along the way. Consider what you have received and what you've been able to give away. Or, reflect on how you have taken steps toward growth in the lifelong pursuit of following Jesus.



Discipleship & Membership Course

Calvary's membership path is an opportunity for you to have conversations about life with Jesus, be equipped as a disciple to take next steps in your faith, and become a member of this church family. Whether you have been following Jesus for a lifetime or a moment, this process will be helpful to anyone looking to grow as a disciple of Jesus. 

Sign Up Here



Vision for Discipleship

Go Fish! Would you be surprised to learn that this was an important invitation from Jesus in the Bible? In Matthew 4:19, we see when Jesus calls Peter to follow him and that he would make him a fisher of people. Another word for this is discipleship. We make disciples who make disciples. That's a core calling for our lives. The most important factor in our discipleship is not information, it is transformation that happens best in relationship. We grow in our faith through time spent with God in Scripture and in prayer and through relationships with fellow believers. One of our main priorities as a church in this next season is to grow in life-on-life relational discipleship. Be sure to catch each part of this life-equipping, church-shaping series — looking at how to love like Jesus by giving away what you've received.

View SermonsDiscipleship Inventory


One on One Mentoring

A great way to grow in your walk with Jesus, is to connect with someone that's ahead of you on the faith journey, and meet regularly with them for a season. There are various Calvary Church disciplers/mentors willing to be a friend, and lead you through all kinds of experiences and lessons like:

  • Reading and studying the Bible
  • Coaching to strengthen your spiritual disciplines
  • Memorizing scripture verses
  • Going through a discipleship book/course
  • Praying together


Following Jesus  Course

The 9-week "Following Jesus" series is designed to help you discover how to live and love like Jesus. Come grow in your faith by journeying through the foundational elements of discipleship and get connected with others along the way. If you’re a new follower of Jesus, or want to become more grounded in the basics of Christianity, this is perfect for you!

To get matched up with a leader who can walk you through the "Following Jesus" course anytime, please contact us at 

"Following Jesus" Notebook

This Calvary-developed course is now available in print at the Corner Bookstore! Come check it out. Student Edition $12 / Leader Edition $15.


Take a Next Step 

If you want to deepen your knowledge of God’s Word, apply biblical truths, discover your true identity in Christ, learn basics of the faith or help others do the same, discipleship is the thing for you. At Calvary, this happens through the Alpha Course, Following Jesus Course, LifeGroups and one-on-one relationships.

If you want to gain or offer Christ-centered insight about a specific season or role in your life, mentorship is the thing for you. At Calvary, this can happen through LifeGroups, Family Ministries mentoring and one on one relationships. If we are able to facilitate connection with a LifeGroup or a mentor/mentee, we want to make that happen. However, we have learned that one of the best ways to find a mentor or be a mentor is for you to get involved and start making friends with those outside your circle.

If you are looking for a mentor, begin by observing how others live and notice the ones you admire. Choose one of these people and ask them to have coffee with you. Begin learning more about their life. Ask for their input into specifics of your life. You may gain all you need in one sitting, or you may want to continue that relationship for a season.

If you want to mentor others, the process is similar. Begin by making friends outside your circle. One easy way to do this is to join a six pack. 6-packs are small groups made up of 6 individuals born in different decades. Another option might be to begin serving in an area that might also attract the type of person you want to mentor. If you want to mentor high school students, start serving in our High School Ministry. If you are interested in mentoring young married couples, get involved in serving in Family Ministries. Identify those individuals with whom you naturally connect and then go for it! Start meeting together, listen well and continue to point your mentee to Jesus and the truth in His Word.

Knowing what you’re looking for and understanding what we have to offer will give each of us a head start to making the best possible connections as you continue to follow Jesus and grow in your faith.