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To see Jesus worshipped by all tribes, languages, peoples, and nations




Established 1931


Through our strategic initiatives — Good News for Europe and Bibles for Everyone — along with our partnerships with our missionaries around the globe and their ministries, we aim to catalyze Calvary Church of Santa Ana through opportunities to learn about the nations, send, and go to make disciples of all nations.


Extending a long history of Bible translation work that goes back to the founding of Wycliffe and SIL, Calvary's Reach Missions Fund currently supports 23 global partners working on translation projects, so that the 29% of the world without Bibles in their language can have one.

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We are focusing to reach the 98% of people of Europe who need Jesus. In 2019, Calvary Church became an official church partner of Greater Europe Mission and have a goal to raise up new missionaries and teams to reach the post-Christian society and refugees in Europe. 

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Learn Go PRAY Care GIVE Serve





Join the Explore Class

Don’t know where to start? An excellent beginning point is the Explore Class led by Brian Smith beginning Sunday, March 30. It will be 7 weeks to dive deeper into how you can find your unique God given role in the Great Commission. Click below to find out more.

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Learn about Unreached People Groups and Countries around the World

Jump into some amazing resources in Joshua Project or Operation World. Joshua Project has interactive maps and profiles for all Unreached People Groups in the world and Operation World is an amazing resource to learn about every country on earth and their prayer needs. Click on the links below to access these resources.

JoshuaProject.netOperation World Prayer Guide


Whether you are interested in going long-term as a missionary or simply exploring how to find your role in the Great Commission, we want to stand with you. We would love to connect you with a retired missionary, staff member, or World Christian in our church to help walk with you to discover how you can be obedient to the calling God has placed on your heart to make Jesus known.

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Long Term

Long-term missionaries are those who have dedicated their lives to making Jesus known across the world and among the nations. Calvary is committed to supporting these missionaries pastorally, relationally, and financially. Discover more about the process of becoming a long-term missionary with Calvary Church of Santa Ana.

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Short Term

Join a GO Trip with Calvary. GO Trips are essential to our spiritual formation as World Christians and play a vital strategic role as we partner with our long-term missionaries globally. Whether it is running a VBS, prayer walking, or simply supporting local projects, we seek to share the Gospel as we go.

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Summer Internships

Through our partnerships with Wycliffe USA as well as Greater Europe Mission, we are passionate about directing university and Gap year students towards 3 month summer internships with Wycliffe USA and Greater Europe Mission. These in depth opportunities provide space for deep spiritual growth as you discern your role in the Great Commission by serving alongside long-term missionaries in a wide variety of capacities.

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Across the Street,
Around the World

Can’t go overseas? What about 3 blocks from Calvary? Partner with long-term missionaries Tom & Gayle Shook and their ministry to 40 Afghan refugee families who have moved in on 1st Street in Santa Ana. Whether it is friendship, sharing a meal, or helping as an English practice partner, find your role in demonstrating the love of Jesus to our Afghan friends.

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Pray Daily for our Missionaries

You can find our online Missionary Prayer Book or pick up a paper copy in either English or Spanish in the Worship Center Lobby. Click the button below to access our online Reach Partner Prayer Book.


Join the 10:02 Email

Click the link below to join our group of prayer supporters by signing up for our weekly Reach 10:02 email. It comes out every Friday with updated prayer requests from our missionary partners along with ways to get involved.





Become an Advocate for a Calvary Missionary

We desire to walk alongside our missionaries in a way that allows them, their families, and their ministries to flourish overseas. Through consistent communication, prayer, and tangible support, we want to send in a manner that honors God (3 John 1:6).

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Meet Practical Needs

From LAX runs to housing and babysitting, we can meet the emergent needs of our missionaries as they visit Calvary. Could you offer a service that could potentially benefit missionaries? Want to learn more about current opportunities - contact us at   




Support the Reach Fund

Giving to the Reach fund is a primary way of blessing the nations. In Philippians 4 Paul clearly expresses that it is not the gifts he seeks, but rather the fruit that comes from those gifts. By giving you enable our missionaries to bear fruit, partnering to see the Gospel message go forward in joy and lives to be changed as God's kingdom grows.





Volunteer Opportunities

Contact us to learn about ways you can get involved by serving locally as a volunteer to help make a difference globally.

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Help with Refugees,
Immigrants & ESL

The nations have come to Orange County. From Ukranian and Afghan refugees to helping asylum seekers from Central America, Calvary Church desires to live out the Gospel among them by the way we love. We have need for ESL teachers and those who would befriend and walk alongside, welcoming the foreigner in our midst (Leviticus 19:34).

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Help with
Reach Week

Every year in March we have our annual Reach Week, our missions conference here at Calvary Church. We need help in so many ways - decorating, arranging home stays for our missionaries, loaner vehicles, and help in our event setup throughout the week.

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Calvary currently supports 58 Missionary Families in 24 countries across the globe, in addition to multiple agency partnerships, through the generous participation of our church family in the to see the world reached with the good news of Jesus.

You can see where and how each of our partners are serving, plus ways to lift them up in prayer, by viewing the Reach Partner Prayer Book below or pick one up in the Worship Center—either in the Lobby or upstairs at the Reach Ministry Offices.

Prayer Book Church Partnerships




How can I stay up to date with Calvary Reach ministries?

The easiest way to stay connected is via our 10:02 Prayer update. You can also find our Reach Global Monthly here or in print at the Reach tables in the Worship Center Lobby.

How can I get involved in Reach?

Whether it is checking out upcoming Reach events, finding ways to serve, or giving to the Reach fund, we believe in helping all of Calvary Church to find their role in the Great Commission.

How many missionaries does Calvary Support?

Calvary currently supports 67 full-time missionaries in 26 countries across the globe. We also have some legacy partners, serving since before 1970, that receive some continued support in retirement.

Is giving to the Reach fund different from my regular tithe?

At Calvary Church, the Reach Missions Fund is a separate bucket above and beyond the giving of tithes by church members to the General Ministry Fund. To give to the Reach Fund, please designate it on your check, giving envelope, or by selecting “Reach Missions” when you Give Online

How does Calvary Reach Ministries use the funds?

To see how these funds are used, please follow the link to our overview in the Calvary Annual Report.



Be part of reaching neighbors and nations with the good news of Jesus by contributing to Calvary's Reach Missions Fund. Nearly $1 Million is generously given each year by our church family—over 30% of our total Church budget⁠—to support our 58 Global Partners serving in 24 countries as well as strategic Partnership Projects that transform lives around the world. 

Would you like to express your Faith Promise commitment for this year? You can place your commitment card in the offering at Calvary on Sunday mornings or you can email Reach Ministries at