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What if we don’t need to be strong to find joy, but we need to find joy to be strong?

In a world filled with guilt, shame, struggle and suffering, there is a path to freedom and strength that comes from God’s unique version of joy. This story-filled book is all about how the joy of the Lord is our strength as told in Nehemiah 8. You will be encouraged to seek that GOD JOY for freedom from guilt and strength in suffering. This GOD JOY will lead you to celebrate by eating the fat, drinking the sweet, sharing with others and starting a brand new holiday.

Do you need some joy in your life? Do you need encouragement for the road ahead? GOD JOY will lift your eyes to Jesus, help lighten your burdens and will likely get you to laugh and allow you to cry. But don’t cry for too long because the joy of the Lord is your strength.

Book Sunday Series Songs Cause

Finding freedom from guilt and strength in suffering

By Eric Wakeling
Foreword by Jim Burns

at Calvary's Bookstore or Online:

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Join us for a 6-part series exploring the scriptures and stories of GOD JOY.  

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Go, eat of the fat, drink of the sweet, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to the Lord your God. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10


1. Sing And Shout
2. Your God Will Come
3. Song Of Surrender

JOY is the inaugural album of Calvary Life Worship. This is an album of celebration, expectation, and surrender. We pray that as you listen to these songs, in partnership with reading Pastor Eric Wakeling's book, GOD JOY, you will be reminded of a God who loves and cares for you beyond all understanding. May the joy of the Lord always be your strength.

at Calvary's Bookstore or Online:

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100% of proceeds will go towards Calvary's efforts in Europe for refugees.


I was setting up tents in the Moria Refugee Camp on the Greek island of Lesvos in 2018 and my heart was broken. I had seen all the news reports like everyone else of millions of people streaming into Europe from countries like Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq. A huge percentage of those people came through Turkey and crossed the sea to Lesvos where they hoped to move on towards mainland Europe. This was a heartbreaking place to serve as people were essentially trapped on this island for months, even years, in horrific and dangerous conditions.

Most news outlets referred to this time as the Refugee Crisis. However, as I served with Greater Europe Mission, we began to understand this as the Refugee Opportunity. It was still a crisis for those people left homeless and without a country, but this was an opportunity for the church to unite and serve those in great need. This was an opportunity for those far from God to hear the Good News of Great Joy in Jesus Christ.

This refugee crisis and opportunity has continued even as it fell off the front pages of websites and newspapers. The need grew as the US pulled out of Afghanistan and grew again as Russia invaded Ukraine. Innocent people have lost their homes, their countries, their families and their identity. They need physical and emotional help. They also need to find hope in Jesus. 

I have committed to receive ZERO dollars for the sale of this book. All proceeds from sales of GOD JOY - and the album JOY from Calvary Life Worship - will go to serve refugees in Europe through partners of Calvary Church. This will be primarily through Greater Europe Mission. As it aligns with this vision, giving will also go to support His Refuge and possibly other ministries as we become aware of their efforts. You can also donate directly to Calvary's Reach Global Fund and note "Refugee" in the memo line to help support this cause - GIVE HERE

- Eric Wakeling