Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
I work with Calvary's Communications Team to create series graphics, event flyers and other visual aids. I also help the team of pastors prepare different aspects needing for Sunday services.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian home, attending church since I was a child, so I have known about Jesus my entire life. However, I only knew Jesus as character from the Bible, teaching right from wrong. Throughout middle school, I faced peer pressure from my friends and I slowly chose to act one way around my non-Christian school friends and a different way with my church friends. In 8th grade, I went to summer camp at Forest Home Christian Camps and a speaker shared on Revelation 3:15-16 where God says: "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth." I felt convicted by my choices to act unholy around my non-Christian friends to "be cool," and then act a different way at church. That day, I decided that I wanted to follow Jesus' because He loves me in ways beyond the love that my friends and family could offer, and He offered me a life that is more fulfilling than the one I thought about choosing. I consider that day to be when I personally decided to follow Jesus for the rest of my life.
Hometown: San Diego, CA
Education / Training: BA in Communications
At Calvary Since: 2010
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Peter 1:3-9
Married to: Wesley
Married since: 2013