Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
In partnership with the other elders, I seek the Lord for the vision for our church family and connect that to strategy, preach the Bible, lead our staff team and shepherd the people of this wonderful community.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I was at a summer day camp led by my 4th Grade Teacher, Rick Lenger. I was raised in a Christian family but I remember specifically being asked to pray and receive the gift of salvation from Jesus at this camp. I responded then and my life has never been the same!
Hometown: Capistrano Beach, CA
Education / Training: B.A. Christian Education from Biola University, MA in Christian Education from Talbot School of Theology, MS in Educational Leadership from Cal State Fullerton
At Calvary Since: 2001
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Timothy 4:12
Children: Grace, Ella
Married to: Bea
Married since: 1997
Discover more about Pastor Eric and the leadership transition at Calvary Church - Click Here