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Michael Welles

Michael Welles

Executive Pastoroffice: 714-550-2313

What do you do at Calvary?

I oversee the finances, facilities and other administrative functions of our church and schools as Calvary's Executive Pastor. My mission is to be the best steward as possible of the resources God has provided Calvary to use to further His Kingdom!


How did you become a follower of Jesus?

I had the blessing of growing up in a Christian home.  My parents were in full time church ministry and they modeled what it was like to be a follower of Jesus and I followed in their footsteps at an early age. In my junior high years I made my faith my own and have been on an exciting journey of learning to be more like Christ and follow His commands ever since. I'm so grateful to Jesus for changing my life and heart.


Hometown: Sun Valley, CA

Education / Training: BS. Business Administration, Biola University; MBA, California State University, Fullerton

At Calvary Since: 2002

Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 37

Children: Joslyn, Sarah

Married to: Kelly

Married since: 2009