Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
I train and supervise the Lay Counselors and the VIPS; and I oversee the Support Groups at Calvary. I am the ministry leader for Celebrate Recovery and Hope for Our Marriage.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I attended the Presbyterian church with my family, but did not hear the plan of salvation until attending the Billy Graham Crusade the summer before seventh grade. God had prepared me by providing a born again sixth grade Sunday school teacher who motivated me to pray that God would show me how to deal with my guilt. When I heard the gospel for the first time, I knew it was true and was the antidote for my guilt. I went forward, confessed my sin, and received forgiveness in Christ. He is my Lord, my savior, and my righteousness!
Hometown: Arlington Heights, Il.
Education / Training: BS in Human Development, Master of Theology - greek emphasis
At Calvary Since: 2012
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 12:1-2
Children: Ben, Phil
Married to: Betsy
Married since: 1972