Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
I have the privilege of co-pastoring the Hispanic Congregation at Calvary Church, teaching the Word of God and providing opportunities for everyone to connect, grow and reach in meaningful ways that glorify God.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
In 1996 the Lord revealed his truth and grace to me through other followers of Jesus. I was invited to the Harvest Crusade in Anaheim, CA on July 4th and the Holy Spirt helped me see my need for a savior through the message shared by pastor Greg Laurie. I have been a committed follower and servant of Jesus Christ ever since!
Hometown: Orange, CA
Education / Training: BA in Human Development, MS in Special Education, Post Grad Studies in Theology and Biblical Studies
At Calvary Since: 2012
Favorite Bible Verse: 1 Tim. 1:12
Children: Amanda & Adan
Married to: Armida
Married since: 2010