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Ryan Joseph

Ryan Joseph

Assistant Facilities + School Security

What do you do at Calvary?
I am the Assistant Facilities/School Security Director. I assist in repairs, remodels and maintenance for Calvary Christian School and Church. I also carry the role of campus security, where I do daily security checks throughout the campus and Church, as well as address possible security issues on and off campus.

How did you become a follower of Jesus?
After meeting my wife, who is the daughter of a Pastor of a Hispanic Church, I got more involved with the Church. I began to serve in the Church and eventually became a leader of the youth group. The more I got involved it led me to read my Bible more often to be a better leader. Through this I began to develop a relationship with Christ. After searching for that relationship I started to see how God was working in my life. I started to see the miracles he performed with me on a daily basis. This was the point in my life that I wholeheartedly gave my life to Jesus to use for his glory.

Hometown: Santa Ana, California

Education: Fullerton College, Business Administration

At Calvary Since:  2018

Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 10:9, Philippians 4:13

Married To: Carolina Joseph

Married Since: 2011