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Allie Echaves

Allie Echaves

High Schooloffice: 714-550-2385

What do you do at Calvary?
I’m the Pastor of Calvary's High School Ministry (HSM), which exists to call students into a relationship with Jesus Christ and bring them into a relationship with Calvary Church as a whole. We are striving to be a community of students who truly love and support one another. Join us as we seek to reflect the life and love of Jesus in our community!

How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I grew up attending church but truly didn't understand my need for Jesus as my savior and He definitely wasn't my Lord until I was 17 years old. He began to transform my heart and I clearly saw change, He wooed me and continues to do so! 

Hometown: Fullerton, CA

Education / Training: California State University, Fullerton with a Bachelors in Business Administration with a concentration in Management

At Calvary Since: 2023

Favorite Bible Verse: Psalm 23