Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
I am the Family Team Pastor!! I am thrilled to lead our amazing Early Childhood, Elementary, Middle School and High School pastors.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian home in Glendale. We attended church regularly and I was very involved in ministry.
I accepted Christ at a summer camp at Forest Home. I went on to graduate college, married my sweetheart, Don. We had our first daughter, Katie and thought we were on our way to this wonderful blessed life. We were, but first we had to navigate Don’s diagnosis with stage 4 cancer. It was during this time that my faith really became my own. So often it is the trials we endure with Jesus by our side that provide the depth of our faith and trust in God. Don survived, we went on to have 2 more daughters, Jenny & Ellie. I’ve been blessed to be in ministry for most of my adult life and I love walking with people through the joys and difficulties life brings. Knowing that God is always on our side.
Hometown: North Tustin, California
Education / Training: Cal State Long Beach - Communication Major
At Calvary Since: 2023
Favorite Bible Verse: Isaiah 6:8
Married to: Don Ristenpart
Children: Katie, Jenny, Ellie
Married Since: 1990