REACH WEEK 2025 · MARCH 22-30
Come celebrate the work that God is doing around the world and consider the call to live as Ambassadors of God's Kingdom.
As followers of Jesus, we live on mission reflecting His love and light by seeking justice, showing compassion, and sharing the good news of His kingdom with our neighbors and the nations. See below for ways you can help make a difference.
Come celebrate the work that God is doing around the world and consider the call to live as Ambassadors of God's Kingdom.
Read encouraging stories from Calvary's missions partners and see news of what's coming up with Reach Local and Global.
"These were His instructions to them: 'The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask Him to send more workers into His fields." Luke 10:2
Get your phone out and set a daily alarm for 10:02 as a reminder to pause and pray Jesus' request of Luke 10:2 each day. Let's all ask God to send more workers from Calvary to share the gospel and bless them as they reap the harvest that He has prepared.
As you pray at 10:02, also ask God to give you Courage, Heart, Opportunities, and Words to Say. We need boldness, love, chances to share and then the right words to say as we follow the Spirit’s leading to share with our neighbors, coworkers, friends & family.
Join our 10:02 Prayer Group to receive weekly emails with highlights from around the world and prayer requests from our global partners. You can also view our Reach Partner Prayer Book or pick up a copy in print on Sundays in the Worship Center Lobby.
Be part of reaching neighbors and nations with the good news of Jesus by contributing to Calvary's Reach Missions Fund. Nearly $1 Million is generously given each year by our church family—over 30% of our total Church budget—to support our 66 Global Partners serving in 24 countries as well as strategic Partnership Projects that transform lives around the world.
Would you like to express your Faith Promise commitment for this year? You can place your commitment card in the offering at Calvary on Sunday mornings or you can email Reach Ministries at
Each year we offer GO (Global Outreach) Trips to Calvary family members in order to partner with our missionaries and organization partners to support their work of furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ. Come take part in helping individuals and teams on GO Trips going out from Calvary around the world to share the good news of Jesus and help build God’s kingdom.