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Serving at Calvary is one of the best ways to express God’s love and connect with others in our church family. It’s also a great way to grow in discipleship to Jesus as you share with others what you have received. Get started today by identifying your skills and the people you want to serve. Take a next step by completing this easy online form and we will reach out soon!



When you join a team, we want to help you develop godly character and leadership skills. This happens through intentional leadership development by your trained team leader.

You can begin working through our most basic training modules to understand how our purpose as a church is the core of what we do, how we serve, and how we lead. Part of the onboarding process includes conversations with your team leader about these modules. 

Prioritize a Growing Relationship with GodParticipate in God-Honoring CommunityReaching the Lost

If you have questions, contact Shannon Reese, Pastor of Leadership Development, at   or 714-550-2410

"He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love." 
- Ephesians 6:16 -