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Thank you to those who give so faithfully and generously to support the local and global ministries of Calvary Church. We appreciate your continued support and look forward with prayerful expectation to what God will do in and through our church family as a result of your giving. See below for ways to give and answers to frequently asked questions.


Thank you for considering how you can contribute to the ongoing local and global ministries of Calvary Church. 

Contributions can be made to Calvary  by:
  • Giving of your time by serving on a volunteer team. Explore opportunities at
  • Donating Securely Online at (by Electronic Check or Credit Card)
  • Text (888) 673-1948 with "Give 100" using the amount you want to donate and then follow the reply prompts. Consider saving the number in your contacts for future use.
  • Giving in person at one of the weekly worship services
  • Mailing a Check to Calvary at 1010 N Tustin Ave, Santa Ana, CA 92705
  • Drop off your donation to the Church Office during the week (upstairs in the Worship Center) 
creative non-cash ways to give:
  • Financial instruments (i.e. stocks, bonds)
  • Real property (i.e. land, homes)
  • Personal property (i.e. vehicles)
  • Services performed by a specialist (i.e. electrician, teacher)
  • Other non-financial assets (i.e. carpet, furniture)
  • Promises to give in the future (i.e. outlined in trusts, wills)

Donations can be designated for various funds:
  • General Church Ministry –  Supports the ongoing ministries of Calvary Church unless otherwise specified by another fund below.
  • Reach Missions – Be part of reaching neighbors & nations by supporting our Calvary Global Partners and strategic Partnership Projects
  • Building Fund – Contribute to the stewardship of Calvary's campus as a resource for ministry.
  • Emergency Needs Fund – Assists those in our church and community who are having current financial difficulty.
  • Camp Scholarships – Supports our children and students who cannot afford to go to camp.
  • Adoption Fund – Supports families in our church who choose to adopt or care for orphans.


More on Creative Ways to Give

Stock Gifts
  • Gifts of property (such as stocks, bonds, and mutual funds) that have increased in value since you have owned them can result in extra tax savings, which allows your money to go further for ministry.
  • If you have held such assets for longer than a year, you can give them to Calvary and deduct the entire market value from your taxable income. In addition to regular tax savings, capital gains tax is not due on assets given to charity. This additional tax savings is the greatest on assets that have increased the most in value and would result in the greatest capital gains, if sold.
  • Calvary will help you facilitate a stock transfer anytime into our brokerage account. If the stock has depreciated in value from its base purchase value, the best step is to sell it, deduct the loss on your taxes, and make a tax-deductible, charitable donation of the proceeds.

Qualified IRA Charitable Gifts
  • A donor age 70 1/2 or older may give up to $100,000 from a traditional IRA to a qualified public charity.
  • The gift will not be included in the donor’s taxable income and can qualify for the donor’s required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year.
  • Check with your tax advisor regarding your specific situation.

Estate Giving
  • Calvary has benefited greatly from people who choose to leave a financial gift to Calvary’s ministries in their estate plan.
  • More than 70% of people don't have a will or living trust and we encourage you to finish well as a good steward to protect your family from unnecessary taxes, probate costs, ensure your desires are met and help to benefit the cause for Christ.
  • For additional resources contact Michael Welles and see list of upcoming financial classes at



Please contact Pastor Michael Welles at  or 714-550-2313 for additional information on any of these giving areas. Your accountant/tax advisor can also provide you with information specific to your needs.



1. Do I need to register and create an account to give online?

You can give without registering with an account, but we encourage you to register to access giving history and any scheduled recurring gifts. If you previously had a login for giving on our old system (View Here), you will need to create a new login and register with Tithely. We will work to sync any historical giving from our previous system soon. Thank you for your patience in that process. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact us at 714-550-2307 or . You can give with Tithely and use the Sign Up button to create your account today - Click Here

2. How do I update, cancel or change my online recurring giving?

You may cancel or make changes to your pending contributions at any time. Once your contribution has processed, you cannot make any changes to it through your online giving account. To change recurring gift schedule - Login Here

3. Can I view my past giving history online?

Your past history of giving, for both online and in-service contributions, are available to view online and are updated to your account every Tuesday.  To access your past giving information in our old system - Click Here. We are working now on transferring historical giving records into our new system with Tithely. To view giving history in Tithely, Login Here

4. How would I be able to get a statement for tax purposes?

Whether you are a member of Calvary Church who gives a regular tithe or you want to give a one-time gift to help support one of our ministries - all givers receive a contribution statement every January. You can view and download a PDF of your Giving Statement by logging in to your profile and viewing Giving History. If you have questions regarding your donations at any time, please contact us at 714-550-2307 or  

5. What do you do to keep online giving secure?

Credit card and bank account processing is accomplished using secure processing services. Your entry of this information is encrypted when transmitted and not kept on Calvary computers. We do not sell your information to third parties.  

6. How does calvary church remain financially accountable & accredited?

We strive to be good stewards of all God provides for Calvary’s local and global ministry. In addition to our annual audit process and ongoing oversight by our team of Trustees, we are also members of the ECFA (Evangelical Council of Financial Accountability), following their best practices for financial management of ministries.

This accreditation agency is dedicated to helping Christian ministries earn the public's trust through adherence to Seven Standards of Responsible Stewardship

7. How do I give to Calvary in my Estate plan?

We highly encourage everyone to make sure they have an estate plan set up. There are potential tax benefits to giving to a charity like Calvary through your plan. Making Calvary a beneficiary of your IRA or 401(k) can also provide extra tax benefits. Contact Michael Welles at or 714-550-2313 for additional information.

8. What areas can I give to at Calvary?

Donations can be designated for various funds online or through your check’s memo line.  We have separate areas for General Church Ministry, Reach Missions, Go Trips, Emergency Needs Fund, Building Fund, Camp Scholarships and more.  (see Ways to Give for fund descriptions).  

9. What does the Bible say about giving?

The Bible has thousands of verses on giving but in summary, giving is a key element of spiritual formation and growth requiring two things of us: Faith & Faithfulness. 

Faith: Giving is an active expression of our faith. Giving demonstrates that God is our Provider and shows our confidence in His ability to supply our every need. Further, it’s an act of gratitude and dependence upon Him.

"'Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'" Malachi 3:10

As we listen to God's voice and earnestly seek His will for our lives, His plan for giving will become obvious to each of us. In response, we can eagerly give, knowing that it pleases Him.

Through our gifts, we prove faithful in the stewardship of all God has provided us, while He blesses us beyond what we can possibly imagine. 

Faithfulness: Giving requires the highest standard of personal integrity and discipline. It is not a casual or when we happen to remember thing. In 2 Corinthians 8-9 the Bible teaches we are to give willingly, generously, and cheerfully. Our pattern should reflect a regular and systematic plan. God instructs us through the Bible to begin with our tithe, which means contributing 10% of all we have to the Lord’s work.

Giving a tithe builds our trust as we learn to count on God to meet every need we will ever have. Giving also strengthens our devotion to Christ and frees us to live open-handedly with the gifts God gives us. Your financial contribution is an investment in God’s kingdom to see lives changed for Jesus Christ.


10. I still have questions about my giving, or need help with online system, who do I contact?

Please contact Rebecca Roehl at or 714-550-2307.