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2024 Thanksgiving Offering

11/20/24 | The Weekly | by Matt Doan | by Brian Smith

    A marker of the Christian life is thankfulness. Throughout the scriptures (1 Chronicles 16:34; Psalm 100; Colossians 3:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:18), we see God’s people responding to God’s faithfulness and grace with thankfulness.

    As we reflect on the highs and lows of 2024, one thing is certain, God has been faithful and graceful to our Calvary Church family! We want to respond to this faithfulness and grace by taking a special “Thanksgiving Offering.” This special offering is to be something above and beyond our normal giving to our church's general and mission funds. The purpose of the offering is to generously bless ministry projects both locally in Orange County and globally around the world. We have the joy to generously give towards three great projects with our 2024 Thanksgiving offering. Read about these projects below and prayerfully ask God how you should respond.


    Daria* Audio Bible & App - We are looking to partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators to help our global partners Mark and Lara Robinson record and distribute an Audio version of the New Testament they recently completed for 13 million speakers of the Daria* language in South Asia - a predominantly oral society. Your gift will help further the good growth of the church in this area of the world by covering the cost of recording, plus as funds allow for potential app development and promotion in the country. 

    Mission Houses Refresh - Our missionaries utilize our two mission houses substantially during home assignments, transitions, or even emergency returns to the US. They are key to keeping our missionaries on the field and continuing their work. Help us keep our mission houses maintained, updated, and fresh to continue to be a place of rest and renewal for our 62 missionary partners around the world.


    YoungLife One - YoungLife One takes the ministry model of YoungLife (introducing teenagers to Jesus through fun-filled discipleship camps and weekly gatherings) and adapts it to teens and young adults in foster care. We have been hosting weekly gatherings of YoungLife One here at Calvary on Thursday evenings this Fall and we are excited to introduce this life-changing ministry to you through this special Thanksgiving offering opportunity. A portion of this year’s offering will go towards supplying dinner at the weekly gatherings and supporting the staff who leads this wonderful ministry to teens who are often overlooked and underserved. 

    As you consider your contribution to this special Thanksgiving offering, please know we are so thankful for you and your continued partnership in spreading the good news of Jesus! You can give at Calvary by noting "Thanksgiving" on your check memo line or offering envelope. You can also donate online today at

    Brian Smith and Matt Doan
    Reach Pastors

    Give To Thanksgiving Offering Here