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Alpha Course is Here!

1/8/20 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Hey Calvary Family, 

    I remember sitting at a table at the Alpha Course several years ago with an atheist and someone who had been hurt by the church in the past. They both marveled at how willing we were to listen to their questions, critiques and doubts. We were able to process with them to find who Jesus really is, how the Bible is trustworthy and what it actually means to follow Jesus.

    This is what's so great about the Alpha Course. It genuinely is a safe place to seek God and ask all those questions people are afraid to ask. It's also a great class on the foundations of the Christian faith for any believer. I loved talking through these topics with these people and I know you will feel welcome, too. 

    The Alpha Course starts tonight! Will you consider inviting someone and coming with them for this 8-week experience? There are ministry programs each week for Nursery through High School for this and all the other Wednesday Night gatherings at 7:00pm. 

    Here are some other great options starting tonight. Financial Peace University will help you beat debt, build wealth for the future and honor God with your finances. The Pastor's Bible Study with David Mitchell continues "Learning from the Bible Jesus Used" in a study through the Old Testament. Celebrate Recovery will help you overcome the hurts, habits and hangups in your life.  

    Finally, I'm looking forward to this Sunday with a special guest speaker named Brett Kunkle. Brett has been a pastor, worked for Stand to Reason and is now the founder of Maven - a ministry helping young people know truth, pursue goodness, and create beauty for the cause of Christ. You can find out more about Maven and the conference we will be hosting at Calvary February 28-29 at

    Brett will be speaking in the Worship Service at 9:30am on "What's the Point of Wisdom?" as we continue our series in Ecclesiastes. I'd also like to invite you to join Brett for a special Q&A at 11:00 am in the Worship Center. You will certainly be blessed and challenged by his message this Sunday. 

    Pastor Eric Wakeling