Family Service with Annual Meeting this Sunday
Dear Calvary Family,
I’m thrilled to be able to celebrate baptisms with all of you in the worship service this Sunday! We are all going to be blessed to hear the stories of life change and God’s hand upon each person who is following Jesus' example and command to be baptized. Did you miss the class, but still want to be baptized? Email us today at
During the service we will also have a few minutes for our Annual Meeting. Our Elder Board Chair, Norm Alexander, and myself will give an update on life at Calvary, a brief financial report, and present the opportunity for members to vote on new and renewing elders. Voting will be available in-person and online during the service. So, don't miss out on this Sunday's Family Service, with kids 1st Grade and up, at 9:00am in the Worship Center (English/ASL) and at 11:00am in the Chapel (Spanish).
Today, I mostly want you to get to know these current and potential leaders of Calvary Church. Click below to read each of their stories of coming to know Jesus and their involvement in our church family and beyond.
So as a reminder, official church members will vote yes or no during the service this Sunday on each nominee who has been approved by the Elder Board and are now being presented for a vote of affirmation. This is not a competition between the nominees. The primary reason for voting no should be because you know of something that disqualifies them from this role. If you know of something that disqualifies them, please let me or the Elder Chairman know.
I look forward to worshiping and celebrating with you this Sunday!
God bless,
Eric Wakeling