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Meet Calvary's New Family Team Pastor!

12/20/22 | The Weekly | by Shannon Reese

    Dear Calvary Family,

    For the last several months, we have been praying for God to bring the best person to be the Family Team Pastor for this next season at Calvary Church. As we have been waiting and growing in our dependence on Him, God has also been at work in another pastor's life.

    We have received more than twenty-five resumes from all over the United States and Canada and interviewed more than fifteen candidates only to find the right fit living just three miles away!

    As you may have heard announced Sunday, Denise Ristenpart has accepted our invitation to be Calvary’s new Family Team Pastor.

    Denise has over twenty years of experience leading teams, developing volunteers, running large-scale events like VBS, and shepherding people in two different Orange County churches. She is a passionate prayer warrior who wants to help individuals and families use their gifts to serve our church and our community. She loves any opportunity to invite friends and neighbors to connect with Jesus and the people who love Him.

    We are looking forward to adding Denise to our staff in January. Her gifts of leadership, teaching, hospitality, and team building will be utilized daily as she guides Calvary's Family Team ministering to the next generation of Nursery up to High School, along with their parents.

    Denise and her husband Don live in North Tustin, have been married for 32 years, and have three adult daughters and two sons-in-law. If you see Denise or Don around church make sure to say "hi" and introduce yourself.

    We are also excited to announce that just today Allie Echaves accepted our invitation to be the High School Associate Pastor alongside our High School Pastor, Christian Hemerling. Allie grew up in Fullerton and has a passion to share the gospel creatively, disciple the next generation, and create safe spaces for students to work out their faith.

    Thank you for praying with us through this process. We couldn't be more excited to see what God has in store for this next year.

    Celebrating answered prayers with you,

    Shannon Reese
    Adult Team + Interim Family Team Pastor