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Pastoral Update - Thank you for your generosity in 2024!

12/12/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    The Christmas lights on my roof are now lit and the word “JOY” is once again blazing into the dark, night sky. It’s really a wonderful thing to see as I come home in the evening – the combination of Griswold-esque brightness and my favorite word in the world shining out for all to see. My prayer for you this season continues to be for more of the Lord’s joy to strengthen you in the dark times, “for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” - Nehemiah 8:10

    The road to this joy isn’t through doing more for God. The road to this joy is found in being and doing with God in dependence and discipleship. These have been our focus at Calvary for the past few years and I strongly believe they are our path for being more connected to Jesus, walking in step with the Spirit, and having God’s joy that strengthens us each day.

    We have had an incredible year pursuing that together and celebrate these numbers as they are all about people:

    • We baptized 19 people on Easter Sunday with a total of 2,220 in attendance and wrapped up the summer with our annual Beach Baptisms where 31 people were baptized and declared their faith in Jesus Christ!

    • We had the best week of the summer with 817 kids at our Dive In VBS, where 114 made first-time decisions to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior plus 215 who prayed to recommit their life to following Jesus!

    • We welcomed over 6,000 people at our fall festival, Light the Night, with many stepping foot on church grounds for the first time in their life. We even had one man receive the first Bible he’s ever owned!

    • We gave 1,250 grocery boxes to our neighbors in need and lifted up many in prayer at our Pop Up Pantry!

    • We supported 62 Global Partners serving in 24 countries who are helping to transform lives around the world!

    • We received pledges of over $3.15 million toward the initiatives of Forward in Faith through a prayer-led response of generosity from so many of you. See more and join the journey at

    We are also excited to be retooling some of our ministry formats, moving toward more discussions around a table as we grow together in discipling relationships, learning to love like Jesus by giving away what we’ve received. You can explore one of these new opportunities– Life with Jesus Discipleship & Membership – at

    Would you join us by supporting the work that God is doing in and through Calvary Church locally and globally? We rely on, and are so appreciative of, your year-end giving to keep Calvary on a solid financial footing as we reach our neighbors and nations for Christ. Our General Ministry fund needs $709,000 to finish the year on budget and our Reach Missions fund needs $151,000 to support our missionaries and projects through December.

    We are trusting God to provide for needs of Calvary Church and thank you in advance for your faithful support. You can give online today by setting up a recurring contribution or a one-time gift at

    You may also bring your offering to a service in December or mail your gift to Calvary. We pray God uses the resources you provide to see more people experience life with Jesus in his kingdom, both now and into eternity.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling

    P.S. You can see what's happening throughout this season at Calvary Church at