Praying for Peace in Israel
Dear Calvary Family,
The biggest thing on my mind this week continues to be everything happening in Israel and Gaza. I implore you to keep praying for peace in Israel. There aren’t any major updates on our ministry partners there but we ask you to keep praying by name for Moran (and family), Jonathan and Tiffanie, and even our tour guides and other friends from our Bible Study Tours - Ronen, Eli, Johnny, Yigal, Yehuda and more.
I also want to encourage you to find balanced and reputable news sources for information on everything happening in Israel and Gaza. This is the kind of situation that has extremes on either side and both are likely not the full story. The Scriptures encourage us to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. (James 1:19) This has been important for me as I feel anger and frustration and grief and rage at things I’ve seen in the news. This has been important for me as people I love post content online that makes me equally angry and I want to react strongly. So I pray and take a breath and try to communicate with love, truth, and patience.
“Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:5-6
The world does not revolve around our opinions.
The world doesn’t even need our opinions on all these things.
The world needs our prayers.
Israel needs your prayers.
The Israeli government needs your prayers.
Gaza needs your prayers.
Hamas needs your prayers.
Hezbollah needs your prayers.
Your friends you disagree with on social media need your prayers.
Your friends you agree with on social media need your prayers.
You need your prayers.
God desires your prayers.
And prayer is something real that we can do to help in this horrific crisis.
We also want you to know that we are talking with our ministry partners about ways that we can send tangible help to those in need that furthers the gospel as well. We will give you opportunities to participate in that in the near future.
And in the midst of all this, we continue to learn and grow and serve here in Orange County at Calvary Church. You can find information on our upcoming new Midweek programs, ways you can help at Light the Night, and an opportunity to make a difference for the next generation through this Saturday's Calvary Christian School Auction.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Eric Wakeling