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Update on Calvary's Dive In VBS!

8/1/24 | The Weekly | by Shannon Reese

    Dear Calvary Family!

    The fun, the energy, and the smiles of children this week at Calvary’s Dive In VBS have been refreshing! God has been actively working in the lives of our children and volunteers. Here’s just a taste of what’s been going on.

    This week we have had fifteen volunteers arrive at 4:30am to ready our campus. Another dozen volunteers arrive an hour later to prepare breakfast for 500 volunteers and their children! After fueling up, over 800 kids were welcomed by these trained volunteers who led amazing worship songs, told stories about Jesus, refereed crazy games, taught Bible verses, provided crafts and snacks, and directed spiritual conversations. 

    At VBS, our vision is to see the Gospel preached every day and lives changed forever. 

    This week, our children are learning that God is our friend. He is welcoming, loving, faithful and kind. He can be trusted. Since Monday, 124 kids have made first-time decisions to follow Jesus as Savior and Lord, entering into an everlasting friendship with God. Wow! 

    One grandfather was so excited to tell me that in his volunteer role on our prayer team, he was able to pray with three of his grandchildren as they decided to follow Jesus. Another volunteer shared with me that her mother had passed away this week, but on the very same day, her own grandson decided to follow Jesus here at VBS. These are just a few of the amazing stories God has been writing this week!

    Every day God has provided for our needs. Thank you to all who have participated with us to make VBS happen. The roles you have played have contributed to life-changing stories. We are so grateful for you. But the week isn’t over! There’s still more God is doing and we are excited to play a small part in His Big Story. 

    If you’d still like to participate, here are a few things you can do:

    Invite: Children in 1st thru 6th grade can still join in the fun tomorrow! Invite kids to come to VBS. Park in the North Lot of Wellington Ave. Then, walk in to register in person starting at 8:30am. Learn more at And, help spread the word - everyone is invited to an all-family VBS Service this Sunday at 10:00am with all ages and languages together to celebrate the amazing week of Dive In VBS, plus a Party on the Patio!

    Eat: Our Penny Project this year is sponsoring evangelistic work with kids in Kosovo. Donate to this project by eating at Chick-fil-A at 1701 North Tustin Avenue this Friday. Tell them you are part of Calvary’s VBS to benefit our Penny Project. You can learn more about the ministry of our global partners the Smolicas and give online at

    Volunteer: We will have clean up to do on Friday and Sunday. On Friday, join us at 12:00pm in S-1, our Volunteer Headquarters, before helping to pack away VBS until next year. On Sunday, before going into our VBS Service at 10:00am, check in with Denise Ristenpart in the Worship Center Lobby and learn how you can help after the service at our Party on the Patio or with final VBS clean up.

    Donate: VBS is free every year because of your generous donations of time, food and supplies. Thank you for all you have given so far. If you still want to give, you can donate to our VBS Fund at

    I can’t wait for you to hear more stories on Sunday!

    Shannon Reese 
    Adult + Family Pastor

    P.S. You can find links to watch all the Dive In Movie Episodes and Daily Highlight Videos, listen to the original VBS Songs by Calvary Life Kids Worship, plus we'll have Photo Gallery available at the end of the week at