What has God called you to do with your life?
Dear Calvary Family,
I talked on Sunday about being focused more on the Kingdom Purpose that God has given us than on things like politics, masks, vaccines, worship music styles, etc. I got pretty fired up! If you weren’t here last Sunday, I encourage you to watch the sermon below on 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
I wanted to take this moment to remind us all of that message. Paul told Timothy to preach the Word, to not just listen to what he wanted to hear, and to focus on the ministry of evangelism that God had given him as his Kingdom Purpose.
What is your Kingdom Purpose?
What has God called you to do with your life?
How do your spiritual gifts, passions, skills, and experiences all come together to help you make an impact for Jesus in our world?
Stop allowing our culture and the media to shape your heart and mind. Focus on the words of God in the Bible and the voice of the Holy Spirit in your prayer life. Then do something!
We tend to get caught up in our personal preferences, the traditions we grew up with, the messages of society, and the manipulation of the media. We absolutely must submit ourselves to be obedient to God’s Word over all else.
Let’s be a church of creators rather than critics. Let’s be doers of the Word, not just hearers of the Word. We truly are better together, but we need all of us to join in on the effort, not watching from the sidelines.
We will have some opportunities soon for the Alpha Course, for a Prayer Cohort, for joining a LifeGroup, for sharing your faith, for serving our community through ESL, and so much more. Be in prayer and then on the lookout for how you can begin to LIVE THE GOSPEL and not just watch others from the crowd.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Eric Wakeling