What is your role in sharing the Good News of Jesus?
Dear Calvary Family,
What is your role in the Good News of Jesus being shared around the world? You have the ability to walk across the street and talk to a neighbor about Jesus. You have the opportunity to invite a co-worker to learn more with you about the scriptures and the good news found in them.
You also have a call from God to the nations! To the entire world!
To those who haven’t yet heard the good news of Jesus.
We want to continue to give you opportunities to live that out - whether it’s through our annual Reach Week, a G.O. Trip, celebrating a Wycliffe Bible Dedication, giving toward Calvary’s Reach Global Missions fund, praying each day at 10:02 for Jesus’ request in Luke 10:2, or something like what we have coming up on Saturday, April 29th.
It’s the Greater Europe Mission Discovery Day.
This is a way for you to find out ways that you can get involved in gospel missions in Europe - from supporting others to going on a vision trip to going for a year to going long-term.
Why Europe? First of all, Europe is essentially post-Christian. They are filled with Christian tradition but largely devoid of true Christian faith. Also, the 10/40 window has moved into Europe. Europe has experienced three major crises in the last several years - the Syrian refugee crisis, COVID-19, and the Ukraine refugee crisis.
Hearts are heavy and open in this season. Europe, including the refugees living there, is ready for the hope of Jesus. That’s why “Good News for Europe” is a core part of our global purpose here at Calvary Church.
Come to Calvary on April 29th from 9am-2pm to hear from Greater Europe Mission (GEM) missionaries to be inspired and informed of ways to plug into God’s work there. Your talents, passions and gifts can be used by God around the world. The entire day is free with a light breakfast and lunch provided. Register and find out more at CalvaryLife.org/GEM.
Finally, I wanted to give you a Leadership Update for Calvary Church. We will have our next Annual Meeting during a short portion of the services on Sunday, April 30th. This will include a vision update, a financial update, and a vote on our new and renewing elders. To find out more about our leadership structure at Calvary and what it means to be an elder, please go to CalvaryLife.org/Leaders.
Below you will find brief biographies on these incoming elders. First, please pray for them and for our church to be led in a Christlike and biblical manner. Secondly, please let me or any current elder know if there’s any reason these people should not serve as elders here at Calvary. Third, come participate in the vote on April 30th (English/ASL at 9am, Spanish at 11am) if you are an official member of Calvary Church and have been through the membership class and process.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,