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2020 Year in Review



Dear Calvary Church Family,

It’s overwhelming just thinking about an Annual Report on the year that was 2020. Where does one begin? Well, I start with this - 2020 was hard. That’s probably an understatement- it was a difficult year for so many people, including our church. However, what I loved to see was God caring for us and Calvary being THE CHURCH for a hurting world.

God cared for Calvary in some wonderful ways:

  • We began planning in January of 2020 to live stream our services online and had actually had just done a practice live stream service the week before the lock down began. We were on the road to using that technology with much of the equipment in place before it became an emergency.
  • We have had some incredible new volunteers and staff with skills in video, broadcasting, audio, etc.
  • The elders of Calvary committed to giving double their tithe for three months and challenged our church to do the same, which resulted in ending our Fiscal Year End (June 30) ahead of budget.
  • We entered a partnership with Anaheim Vineyard to provide meals for those in need through our Pop-Up Pantry. The Calvary community generously volunteered both money and time to make this ministry thrive.

We adapted and innovated to carry out God’s unchanging purpose for our church in new ways:

  • We are worshiping Jesus and preaching God’s Word outdoors at Calvary and online with live-stream services.
  • We have LifeGroups connecting and growing in gospel-driven community on Zoom, at parks, and in backyards.
  • We are partnering with families to help build up the next generation through online and at-home resources.
  • We are praying over our neighborhoods, asking for God’s blessing as we build relationships in Jesus’ name.
  • We formed a neighbor volunteer task force to help meet the needs of our most vulnerable community members.
  • We served groceries to over 22,000 people in 2020 to those in need through our Pop Up Pantry.
  • We are supporting missionaries overseas who are also ministering in unique ways through this pandemic.

I encourage you to read through the highlights below of Calvary's local and global ministry in our 2020 Year in Review. You will see how throughout all the challenges of this past year, the mission continues! We continue to need your generosity, service, and prayers to thrive in 2021. We know that God is always good and His mercies endure forever! So I thank God for all things, even 2020.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Eric Wakeling

Financials CREATIVE ADULTS Family CCs Care & ENF Reach


Your investment of time, talent and treasure is making a difference in people's lives locally and globally. Thank You!



July 2019 - June 2020

Thank you for generously supporting the resources and staff that make these ministries possible. We ended the fiscal year with the General Fund having net income of $15,853 which we used to do improvement projects during the summer facility shutdown. Our Reach Fund had net income of $6,560 which we will use for future partnership projects.

July 2020 - December 2020

For the first half of the current fiscal year (July - December 2020), we are behind our budget goal for General. We appreciate your continued support and prayers for Calvary Church during this unusal time as we strive to stragically use the gifts you give.



Heritage Building

All operational expenses and loan payments for our Heritage Medical Building are covered by rental income.

Ministry Partnerships

Almost half the suites are used for ministry partnerships impacting our community – OC Rescue Mission, Safe Families, Hurtt Family Health Clinic, and more.



If you would like additional information of how your giving to Calvary is used for ministry purposes (including a copy of our audited financial statements), please contact our Executive Pastor, Michael Welles, at  714.550.2313 or



Worship | Communication | Connections




When we gather for worship, whether on campus or online, our desire is to remember and celebrate the greatness of God and the good news of the Gospel, to realign our hearts to God's through the truth of the Word and the work of the Spirit, and to respond with lives marked by steadfast trust, courageous hope, and sacrificial love.


Average weekly participation, on campus & online


Easter Sunday - Online Only











This video was viewed over 10,000 times in 2020

Merry Christmas!

This was a fun video from the Calvary Church staff

Join us Sunday Connect with Creative Ministries



Our vision at Calvary is to be a church family, being changed by the gospel to love like Jesus across cultures and generations. This change is a lifelong growth that we experience best in communityIn this unique and challenging year, a variety of weekly online content with topics that included Bible study, prayer, parenting, and wisdom to cope with our changing world was created for the first time. And, thousands of phone calls have been made by our staff and volunteers who are checking in to pray with and care for our church family.



2020 Beach Baptisms

40 People celebrated their new life in Christ through water baptisms in 2020!



One of the greatest responsibilities we have as a church family is to pass on the torch of a vibrant faith in Jesus Christ to the next generation. Thank you for contributing to make these life-shaping ministries happen!



Highlights from VBS 2020

The Good News was packed in VBS Kits, and made available in English and ASL through our first ever online and at-home interactive program full of fun Bible-learning, faith-building experiences. 



CCS provides the opportunity for students to participate in challenging academics and diverse enrichments rooted in Christian values. The schools' budgets, which are separate from Calvary Church, are funded by student tuition and donations provided by generous supporters. We are blessed to see the impact CCS is making in children’s lives!

Discover more about CCSHelp Support CCS



2 1/2 Years Old - Transitional Kindergarten

At the start of 2020 we had full enrollment of 192 children, then in March we had to shut down and were unable to reopen until June. Our dedicated staff has worked hard to make our preschool a safe environment for everyone. We are open and spots are available - so invite your friends to join us! 

Watch our Christmas Program


Kindergarten - 8th Grade

We are providing a Christ-centered education, sharpening minds and transforming hearts through face-to-face instruction. We have added 51 new families representing 84 new students this year, and hired an additional teacher to meet the demands of our community.

Meet our new Head of School




We help people facing challenging seasons in life with biblically-based, Christ centered resources .

We adapted to Covid by continuing Care Ministries throughout the pandemic meeting in person when permitted, meeting outside on campus when necessary, and meeting via Zoom or via telephone when appropriate since late March.  Many lives were impacted through flexibility and the creative use of technology. Caring at Calvary never stopped!

 Connect with Care Ministries




ENF is a separate fund helping those in our church family primarily with food, shelter and clothing related needs.


Needs met with $120,825.00 in Financial Assistance that helped:



For many years, our VIPs team (Volunteers in Pastoral Service) has run a ministry called The Pantry, providing food and other necessities along with prayer and biblical encouragement to those who are struggling. Although they were unable to serve in their regular role since April, our Reach Ministry was able to fill a real need in this area by launching the Pop Up Pantry in partnership with Anaheim Vineyard.  Check out the video and numbers below to see the impact this new initiative has had to meet needs and bless thousands of people in Jesus' name.


Donate to Emergency Needs Fund


In 2020 we embraced our mission to be "More than an Audience" moving forward as followers of Jesus and pursuing the common calling we have as His church. Nearly one third of our entire church budget goes out beyond our walls to bless our neighbors and the nations, extend compassion to those in need, and share the good news of the Gospel! Over $1.2 MILLION was generously and sacrificially given to support the work of life-changing ministry locally and globally.  Thank You!



As part of Calvary’s vision to reach Orange County with the good news of Jesus, we were challenged with a 2-year mission as a church family to be praying, inviting, and sharing the Gospel with at least one person in our circle of influence by Easter 2020.

10:02 & CHOW

We were invited to pray daily at 10:02 for more “workers in the harvest” based on Luke 10:2 - that God would provide missionaries for Europe and use us here in Orange County. And, to pray for “C.H.O.W.” (courage, heart, opportunities, and words to say to those who do not know Jesus).



We are focusing to reach the 98% of people of Europe who need Jesus. As a church partner of Greater Europe Mission, we have a goal to raise up new missionaries and teams to reach the post Christian society and refugees in Europe. 

Chris & Susan Tweedy's Story

The Tweedy family works with Greater Europe Mission and Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany. Please keep them and their work as missionaries in your prayers.

Through your generosity to the Reach Missions fund, Calvary currently partners with 23 missionary families working on translation projects around the world, so that the 29% of the world without Bibles in their language can have one.

Ana & Victor Opungu's Story

Calvary's 1st annual Cameron Townsend Bible Translation Grant was awarded to Victor and Ana Opungu to bless their work with Wycliffe Bible Translators in the Philippines.

"Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen." Ephesians 3:20


2019 Year in Review   Give Online Today