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Being With God

9/12/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    Our Pastoral Staff is currently reading and discussing a book together called Emotionally Healthy Discipleship by Peter Scazzero. One of the chapters is called “Be Before You Do” and it talks about how in healthy Christian disciples and leaders, “spiritual fullness reveals itself in a healthy balance between their being with God and their doing for God.”

    “They recognize their presence–with God, themselves, and others–is their greatest gift and contribution to those they lead.”

    We have focused recently on how the family of God and the family of Calvary Church truly needs to be involved in serving God and one another. We each have a part to play and a role to fill in the family. This is what our Value of “Team - We are more than an audience” is all about. All this is still needed and true, even in the light of the words of Scazzero above.

    I wanted to give us all a little reminder that we want you to prioritize being with God even when we call you to do something and serve in or through the church. This is our Value of “Health - rest up so you don’t get messed up.”

    One of the key ways that you can do that is through silence and listening prayer with God. That’s a huge part of being with Jesus. Take some time this week to rest and tell God whatever is on your mind and then just sit still in silence and listen to Him. No matter what happens–whether you hear from God or not–this will at least be a restful time with the Lord.

    I’ve often said that I don’t want to just be a person who prays but I want to become a prayerful person. Scazzero talks about communing with Jesus throughout the day. Recognize God’s presence in the mundane and the miraculous. Be aware of God’s beauty in creation. Combine the “secular” and the “sacred” into a life with God throughout every moment. This will take some time and intention, but I believe that God will meet you in the stillness and in the small things.

    These are the kind of people our pastoral team are seeking to be and we would love to have you join us in the journey.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling