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Bringing Generations Together

2/8/24 | The Weekly | by Tim Nellis

    Give the right answer? Bingo! Need a game to pass the time? Bingo! Farmer looking to name his dog? Bingo! On this night however, “Bingo!”, was a word that was bringing generations together. John Sherman and I were fortunate enough to be able to host our annual 60+ / Young Adult Bingo Night a few weeks ago. Instead of an evening of bouncing ping pong balls and piecemeal prizes, we found ourselves caught in a Holy moment where the generations found solidarity in the sharing of laughter, stories from their lives and the unique connection that comes from knowing and following Jesus.

    Calvary is soon turning 100 years old! Who would have thought after all of these years that its longevity would be one of its greatest assets. Generation after generation have experienced the love of Jesus in this place. Six different generations currently grace the halls of 1010 N. Tustin Avenue - the greatest generation, the silent generation, the Baby Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha.

    Doing life with all of these generations can be difficult and daunting, however, it is also where the gold lies. Like all gold, finding it can require some digging. Digging through things like differences, misunderstandings, mindsets, opinions, and ideals. But if you dig long enough, like any miner who is worth his salt, you will find it. Gold! And it’s often in these crossroads that you will find it. Wisdom and passion, steadfastness and innovation, resilience and openness, conviction and grace, love and truth. These are the places where generations meet and beautiful things are discovered.

    So it’s time. Time to join God in discovering and displaying the gold in those around you. Whether it’s in purposeful conversations in the Lobby, by visiting the Sunday class of another generation, or through saying yes to the next Bingo Night—NOW is the time.

    One opportunity to participate in this venture is to join one of our intergenerational Men’s 6-Pack groups that are launching this month. 6 packs consist of 6 men of different age groups, meeting once a month for 6 months, sharing their stories and praying for each other. This can lead to new friends, new insights, and (if you dig deep enough) a little gold. Discover more and sign up at CalvaryLife.org/Men

    Tim Nellis
    Young Adults & Men's Pastor