Forward in Faith Updates
Dear Calvary Family,
We are excited to share some updates and pictures of the work being done from your generous giving towards the Forward in Faith projects. The cranes have lifted the old Heating and Air Conditioning units off the Worship Center Roof. We are doing the project in two parts, so half the units will still be working on Sunday mornings. You can try and guess which side is hot and which side is cool. There are some structural steel repairs happening on the roof to help with the new units, but the work continues. We have also been repairing other aspects of the Worship Center roof over the last few weeks.
Civil engineering has begun on the Wellington Lot north walkway entrance and the Fireside Patio area. We hope to be able to do the bulk of the work on that project during the summer when school is not in session. Please be praying for the plans and permits coming in quickly and smoothly.
Our total pledges are still just below our goal for the Forward in Faith projects, but I encourage you to consider giving to help us finish all of the goals we have presented to you last year. You can find out more information and make a pledge today at
Thank you for continuing to give towards the pledges you made last year. We have committed to do these projects without going into debt, so we need your generous support to keep moving forward with each phase. Again, we appreciate you all so much and are grateful for your partnership in all of this as we seek to care for our church campus and our community.
May the Lord bless you and keep you,
Eric Wakeling