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Radical Hospitality and Surprising Acts of Kindness

10/17/24 | The Weekly | by Shannon Reese

    Dear Church Family,

    On October 31st, thousands of people in our community will safely gather in our “backyard” for one of the most fun nights of the year at our free fall festival – Light the Night!

    We’ll host free carnival games, give away thousands of pounds of candy and hundreds of cakes and cupcakes, and have live entertainment with a bluegrass band and an amazing puppet show.

    But, behind-the-scenes, what else will be going on?

    Jesus told His followers that they were lights in the darkness. He said, “You are the light of the world—like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” Matthew 5:14-16.

    If Jesus were writing this email, what might He say?

    You, Calvary Church, are the light of the world. And your good deeds will light up the darkness so that everyone who sees them will praise your Father in heaven. So shine bright!

    At Light the Night, you and I can shine bright! But how? Through our radical hospitality and surprising acts of kindness.

    What does it look like to be radically hospitable and surprisingly kind?

    • Start with prayer. Pray. Pray for protection over our campus and the people who join us. Pray for the provision of volunteers and supplies that are needed. Pray for the love of Jesus to be experienced by everyone who comes in.
    • Invite your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to enjoy a safe and fun night for the whole family.
    • Donate candy, cakes, and cupcakes to give away.
    • Serve. Help us set up, greet, lead a game, pass out candy, or tear down.
    • Ask, “How can I help?” If you see anyone who looks lost or confused, ask, “How can I help?” They may need directions to the nearest bathroom, game, food truck or have questions about the church. This is your church home so take every opportunity to help your neighbors find the help they need.
    • Be interested. Chat with people alongside you, standing in line at a food truck or waiting with their kids to slide down a giant inflatable. Ask questions like, “How did you hear about Light the Night?” ”Tell me about your cool costume!” “Is this your first time at Calvary?” Be interested in what they’re interested in.
    • Be kind. Arrive looking for ways you can surprise others with kindness. Let the family behind you skip in line to be in front of you. Offer to throw away someone’s dinner trash. If they ask where something is, walk with them to make sure they get there.

    In addition to all the fun we’ll have together, Light the Night will be an incredible opportunity to love our neighbors through radical hospitality and surprising acts of kindness.

    How will you join us at work behind-the-scenes and help shine the light of Jesus?

    Shannon Reese
    Adult and Family Pastor