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This Kingdom of God is like a Mustard Seed…

10/10/24 | The Weekly | by Matt Doan

    “Then Jesus said, “What is the Kingdom of God like? How can I illustrate it? “It is like a tiny mustard seed that a man planted in a garden…”. Luke‬ ‭13‬:‭18-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    A mustard seed? Doesn’t exactly fill you with confidence! You would expect Jesus to say the kingdom of God is like a powerful animal such as a lion or a majestic eagle. It would have made sense in our thinking if Jesus used a metaphor from creation like a big ocean wave or a mighty oak tree. But a tiny mustard seed?

    We talked about the metaphor of the Kingdom of God being like a mustard seed in both our English (Watch Sermon) and Spanish worship (Ver Sermón) services last Sunday. It is a metaphor that I have continued thinking about all week!

    “It grows and becomes a tree, and the birds make nests in its branches.” Luke‬ ‭13‬:‭19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

    Jesus likens the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed because like a tiny seed, God’s kingdom can start off small or appear insignificant to our eyes. However, through the power of God, the Kingdom of God takes small and seemingly insignificant things and grows them to impact the world far God far beyond what any of us could imagine or dream of.

    I like how the apostle Paul puts it in the book of Ephesians, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Ephesians 3:20 NLT

    Many Calvary Church people come to mind when I think about the “mustard seeds” of God’s Kingdom.

    David and Heidi Coombs have contributed to God’s Kingdom in some incredible ways as global partners with Wycliffe/SIL. They have been used by God to translate the Bible into the language of the Quechua people of Peru. I know there were times when David and Heidi painstakingly went over and over a single word in a single Bible verse, trying to translate as accurately and clearly as possible. In those tedious moments, I am sure their work felt like an insignificant mustard seed. Yet, today that mustard seed of translation work have given access to the scriptures to an entire people and language group, wow! This Sunday, in our 9:00am Worship Service, we will be taking a moment to celebrate the Coombs' career in Bible translation as they formally retire from Wycliffe/SIL this fall. Join us this Sunday to personally thank them

    I also think of Angie Rossol, one of our volunteer chaplains across the street at OC Global Medical Center. Each week, Angie walks the halls of the hospital, talking, encouraging and praying with patients, families and the medical staff. I know there are times that Angie must wonder as she leaves the hospital, “did anything I just did have any impact?” Yet, I can tell you from talking to the patients, families and nurses and doctors of the hospital that Angie has impacted people over there in deep and life-changing ways. The mustard seed of her service is being used by God to grow his kingdom!

    I think of Barbara Speicher, a retired teacher who leads our Operation Christmas Child craft group that meets each month at Calvary. As I am writing this email, Barbara and her team of 30 people are currently putting together over 2,000 shoeboxes filled with toys, goodies and a gospel message to send to kids in Southeast Asia this Christmas. As Barbara and the team place items in each shoebox, it can feel small and insignificant. Yet, we know from thousands of testimonies, how God uses these Christmas gift boxes like a growing mustard seed to cause the good news of Jesus to be sown into the hearts of kids around the world. (By the way, every Sunday in November, we will have additional boxes available in the Worship Center Lobby and Samsvick Lobby for you to fill a box too!)

    And I think of Jim Karling, who has helped organize our team leaders over the years for our bi-annual Operation Love - Serving widows in our church family through yard work. Jim works tirelessly to make sure our teams are assigned and ready for our serve days. It can feel like tedious “mustard seed work,” leaving voicemails and emails for volunteers. Arriving when it is barely sunrise to Calvary the morning of the event to make sure everything is prepared. Yet this mustard seed service by Jim has allowed widows throughout our church to be blessed and encouraged. Also, If you didn’t know, our next Operation Love is THIS Saturday, October 12th from 8:00am to Noon. Sign up to join a crew at CalvaryLife.org/Love.

    So be encouraged by David and Heidi, Angie, Barbara and Jim! Maybe what you are involved with in the kingdom of God feels small or insignificant too. Don’t give up or feel defeated. God is using your “mustard seeds” to grow His beautiful and expanding Kingdom where Jesus is King and rules and reigns over hearts and minds.

    Go live out your “mustard seed” assignment for God’s kingdom today! (just make sure you don’t plant any actual mustard seed at our local parks, ha ha).

    A fellow mustard seed sower,
    Matt Doan