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When Worry Overwhelms

7/25/24 | The Weekly | by Eric Wakeling

    Dear Calvary Family,

    We are certainly living in some wild and tumultuous times in our country. I remember being a 7-year-old kid the last time there was an attempted assassination of a President. I wasn’t even alive yet the last time an incumbent presidential nominee dropped out of the race. And I turn 50 in a month! I saw a meme recently that said we are living in the hardest portion of the AP Government Exam for kids in the year 2055. It’s true. It seems like every day there is a new history-making headline.

    And that can cause some level of anxiety, worry or concern for all of us.

    This worry revolves around our values, our security, and also our financial resources. Our money!

    This Sunday we will conclude our series The Way of Jesus looking into the passage from Luke 12 where Jesus says, “don’t worry.” Don’t worry? Ok, good idea Jesus. But how? What do we do when worry overwhelms? Where do we look when our concerns feel too big to handle? What gets our attention in times of anxiety? In what or whom can we trust? Ironically, the writing on our dollar bills actually tells us the answer of whom to trust.

    The biblical and faithful answer is to follow the way of the Lamb, not the Dragon, the Donkey or the Elephant. That’s what the way of Jesus is all about as we study through the Gospel of Luke and look ahead to the end of the story in Revelation.

    Jesus wins!

    Jesus is worth following.

    Jesus is worthy of all of our worship.

    Others might be worthy of a vote. But that’s entirely different from your worship or your following.

    In this election season that is shaping up to be even more dramatic than ever, remember the difference of who you vote for versus who you trust, worship and follow. This is critical. Your vote is important, but your only King is Jesus Christ, crucified, risen and coming again.

    “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else,
    and he will give you everything you need.”
    Luke 12:31

    And that connects to why we invest our time and treasure into things like GO Trips, Camps, and Vacation Bible School - so the next generation might know Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life. Jesus alone is worthy of our trust and dependence.

    Please be praying for the hundreds of children who will be part of Calvary’s DIVE IN VBS next week! Consider who you can still reach out to and invite. And, we continue to seek your support to make VBS amazing and free this year. See below for ways to help by serving or donating needed items. You can also give online here.

    May the Lord bless you and keep you,
    Eric Wakeling