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Day 4: Remember His Creativity

Isaiah 42:5 “God, the Lord, created the heavens and stretched them out. He created the earth and everything in it. He gives breath to everyone, life to everyone who walks the earth.

Devotional · · · The more we probe into and discover of the natural world, the more awe and wonder our human race experiences. What are our finite minds to think of an eternal Being outside the realm of time, bringing into existence every reality from the infinite, distant cosmos all the way down to the subatomic particle! What a gift He has given us, His children made in His very image and the pinnacle of His creative order, to be able to experience the beauty and wonder of His creative work (Colossians 1:16).

Prayer · · · Amazing God, I am so inspired by the wonderful world You have made. I acknowledge You as creator and bow in worship and wonder at what You can do. We have a glimpse into Your glorious creativity as we behold with our limited minds an infinite range expressed in colors, plant life, animal life, human life, microscopic life, landscapes, oceans, the elements, the cosmos….O God, You are awesome! Thank You for the richness and beauty that I enjoy through the creative gifts in others, and the creativity I possess to share as well; help me reflect You in all that do, say, and create.

