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Day 6: Remember His Glory

Psalm 66:1-2 “Shout joyful praises to God, all the earth! Sing about the glory of His name! Tell the world how glorious He is.”

Devotional · · · We in our humanness are not able to fully see and understand God’s glory in all of His transcendent deity. The scriptures tell of Moses’ desire to see it and God’s response in revealing a “portion” of it, that being His goodness (Exodus 33). Our glorious God has revealed a glimpse of the same to us through His creation, His Word, and His Son. Remember also that He has called us into this eternal glory in Christ...we will someday experience it fully (I Peter 5:10)!

Prayer · · · Awesome God, I long to see in fullness the glory of Your being, and will keep my eyes and hope fixed on You for the day when we will all see You as You are in perfect clarity. My ultimate hope is to know You fully and be perfectly restored in the image of Christ in order to reflect Your glory. Lord, help me develop an appetite for the beauty of Your character and open the eyes of my heart to know Your glory more. I desire to proclaim Your glorious name through the worship of my individual life, and the expression of our collective life as a church.

