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Day 7: Remember His Generosity

Romans 8:32 “He who did not spare His own Son, but gave Him up for us all—how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?”

Devotional · · · The extravagance of God’s generosity shines brightly in the darkness of mankind’s selfishness. We naturally hold on tightly to what we “own”, when He holds with open hands all that He has made to share with us His children. Consider how the Almighty God possesses all creation unto His own glory, yet shares it with us to enjoy. He has given all power, glory and authority to His Son, Jesus, who released it all in obedience and selfless sacrifice to redeem us (Philippians 2:6-11). We can trust in God’s lavish lovingkindness, and provision for us, both for eternity and for today; He is SO generous to provide for ALL that I need (Philippians 4:19).

Prayer · · · Lord God, I thank You for the amazing grace You show every day of my life that flows from Your generous heart. I am humbled to know that in Christ I share in Your inheritance, and believe You give all that I need for life today and forever. Thank You for Your greatest, selfless, and indescribable gift to me and the world in Jesus. Help me by Your Spirit to remember Your generosity and to reflect it in how I manage all I “have”; I know that everything I have is from You and really belongs to You. Give me the grace to relax my grip and give of myself more like You do.

