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Day 8: Realign From My Reality To God’s Reality

Psalm 90:2 "Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God."

Devotional · · · Our human tendency is to mistake our present reality as ultimate reality. We mistake the problems we are facing as the guiding force in our lives. We give those problems power over us in a way they do not deserve. Through worship, we allow the truth of God’s Word and the work of God’s Spirit to realign us to what is really going on. Our perspective shifts. We lift up our eyes, keeping them fixed on Jesus (Psalm 123:1; Hebrews 12:2). God lifts up our heads, raising us from low points in life (Psalm 3:3; Psalm 27:6). In worship we are realigned to the reality that our faithful God is completely in control and therefore warrants our adoration and obedience.

Prayer · · · Eternal God, help my worship to be true. May my understanding of my life be rooted in Your reality, not mine. There are so many things in my life that keep me from recognizing You as being in complete control. You are truly sovereign. You are fully able. You alone are God. And you are worthy of my praise in the midst of whatever circumstance I face today. My prayer is that those things would become apparent to me. Help me to keep my eye fixed on Jesus, lay aside any sin weighing me down and run the race well. Show me how my vision of you is clouded by the things of this world. May I learn to worship you in a way that allows the Holy Spirit to realign me to the reality of who You are.

