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Pray and Go

Pray and Go

Pray for our Neighborhoods and Cities Together

“Pray and Go” is an invitation to go down our streets, our cities and our county and pray for every home we pass. It is  is a simple yet powerful resource for fulfilling our purpose of reaching Orange County and the World for Jesus Christ.

Prayer changes everything. It changes our hearts, our minds and our eyes as they open up to the people God puts on our path.

Going changes the world. The willingness to allow God to direct our steps puts us on his path and moves us to action.

Join us in this movement, and as a church we can cover Orange County in prayer, asking for God’s blessing as we build relationships with our neighbors, family and coworkers.

Prayer walking our neighborhoods is as easy as walking down the street we live on, pausing on the sidewalk in front of every house and simply praying this, “Lord, bless this home, whatever their needs are and look after them.” We can also go two-by-two to new areas that God has placed on our hearts.


  1. Ask your LifeGroup leader if your group will be joining the Pray and Go initiative together.

  2. If not, click the button below to sign up for the Pray and Go Group  that will start Sunday, October 18 at 7:00 pm

  3. Join our leadership team and help support this initiative through prayer, leadership, and administration by emailing Jon Smalley at  

Join the Pray and Go Group 

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