Our Leadership
What do you do at Calvary?
I am the Women's Associate Pastor, and Assistant for Connections! I help minister to the incredible women of Calvary Church and get people connected to the various ministries Calvary has to offer.
How did you become a follower of Jesus?
I grew up in a Christian home, in church every Sunday morning, and so knew about Jesus from a very young age. However, knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Jesus were two very different things. For a long time, I sought after personal perfection and the respect of others to satisfy me, and constantly came up short. It took a while for me to realize that my value came from Christ, and that seeking after the approval of the world would leave me lost and broken. And though I wish I could point to one "lightning-bolt" moment where the Lord got a hold of my heart, the truth is He used my friends and family who truly loved Him to continually draw me closer to Himself. Since then, I've been pursuing Him and His will for my life passionately and joyfully!
Hometown: La Habra, California
Education / Training: Biola University, B.A. Broadcast Journalism, Biblical Studies Minor
At Calvary Since: 2018
Favorite Bible Verse: Colossians 3:12-14, Judges 4-5
Married to: Neil Comstock
Married Since: 2015