Our Leadership
Brandon gave his life to the Lord at the age of 9 and first came to Calvary Church in 1985 as a 7th grader. He had a misplaced sense of value and identity in out-serving others, volunteering in various age-stage ministries over the next 20 years, even skipping “fun” trips and retreats so he could do the “hard” work trips or short-term missions. He was working to look good to God and knew all about Him, but he didn’t actually know Him and burned out. In his season of exhaustion and exasperation, he began learning to listen for God’s voice and respond to opportunities to join Him where He is at work which has led to some really fun adventure!
Brandon has been privileged to author several books, serve as an Elder, disciple pastors around the world, and experience a growing awareness of God’s presence and protectiveness over His earth that he is called to steward. You may see him pruning trees or planting flowers on campus as part of the beautification effort here, which he sees as an act of worship to the Lord. His deep desire is to increasingly see this campus be a beautiful space where people immediately encounter the presence of God.
Brandon is married to Desiree who runs the Prayer Counseling Ministry here at Calvary. They just celebrated 27 years of marriage and have three grown children. He has learned much from Desiree and loves the fact that she is the person who modeled for him what it is like to hear the Lord’s voice all those years ago. Brandon is a naturalist by profession but went on to earn a Master’s degree in Biblical Studies and a Doctorate in Church History, so he loves to merge these passions together and explore how God has interacted with humanity historically through His Creation!
1st Term: July 2019-June 2022
2nd Term: July 2022-June 2025