Our Leadership
(picture is an illustration because of needs for creative access and security concerns in certain countries)
What do you do at Calvary: I help in raising the next generation of World Christians here at Calvary, to find your role in the Great Commission. While Matt Doan will provide much of the Pastoral care for Reach Global, I have the privilege helping Reach Global with almost everything else.
How did you become a follower of Jesus: I grew up in a Jesus following home, but was simply following the motions until high school. It was at this time I was convicted of my self-centered ambitions and the Lord launched me in a new direction towards full time ministry overseas, and now here at Calvary.
Hometown: Orange
Education/Training: B.A. Intercultural Studies, BIOLA University, M.A. Language & Culture (expected Fall 2023) Dallas International University
At Calvary Since: 2017 (and in College!)
Favorite Bible Verse: Romans 15, Psalm 119
Children: Cami & Gabe
Married to: Amy
Married Since: 2012